Chapter:- 11

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Azra's POV:

After four months.

"How are you going to tell him?" Akka asked looking at me with a big smile and I pouted.

"I don't have any idea." I said shaking my head and she chuckled. Well, we got to know today that I'm expecting. I'm two weeks pregnant. Now I have to think of a way to tell him.

"You go, Akka. I'll manage here. You directly came here from hospital. You need rest too." I said to her who nodded her head.

"And don't worry about Hamiz. I'll stop him there anyhow." She said winking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"And try to make me Aunt soon." I said winking at her and she shook her head.

"You have gone crazy." She said taking her bag and I chuckled.

"After all I have a crazy friend." I said smirking at her and she sighed.

"Okay, I'll be going now. Take care. And do try to come at our house tomorrow." She said going out of the house and I nodded my head with a smile. She left and I closed the door. I walked towards my room and sat down on the bed. My hands went to my belly and my lips smiled.

"Suggest me some ways to surprise your Abbu, baby." I said pouting my lips and chuckled. I'm talking to a small cell like a stupid. I went to the kitchen to prepare something for dinner. Well, Hamiz Bhai and Aariz are busy in setting up their business so they usually are out of house. So, I'm the one who makes dinner which sometimes end up too good and most of the time a mess. And the food which turn out to be too good are always beyond my expectations. After I was done preparing the food which is good or not I don't know, I went to my room to rest for a bit. I'm feeling like I have been working for hours. May be its one of the symptoms of being pregnant. I laid down on bed keeping my head on the headrest and closed my eyes while my hand wrapped around my belly. Now we have a new member to protect and love. But I wish I had my family beside me for hearing this beautiful good news. They would be on cloud nine. I miss them. Each one of them. I don't know why but I miss my Abbu too. The person who never showed me his love or he never loved me. Neither I have a family nor my Aariz has. We don't have anyone to share this big news other than Hamiz Bhai and Akka. I opened my eyes when I felt someone's hand on my cheek. I found Aariz looking at me with worried look.

"When did you come?" I asked looking at him who glared at me hearing me.

"Do you even know how scared I was? You weren't opening the door when I rang the bell nor you were receiving my calls. My heart was sinking thinking about many stupid possibilities, love." He said glaring at me and I chuckled.

"Sorry, My King. I just zoned out." I said caressing his cheek and he sighed.

"Its okay. But why are you crying?" He asked holding my hands in his and I sighed.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about a King who has left his kingdom just to be with his Queen and it made me a bit emotional." I said smiling at him and he sighed. 

"But you know what, the Queen left her castle just to hold her King's hand. Isn't the King too lucky to have her?" He said smoking at me and I smiled at him.

"And King didn't have anything in his kingdom. His Kingdom lighten up when Queen entered in his Kingdom and lit his dark Kingdom with her shining lights." He said kissing on my head making me close my eyes.

"But right now, Queen's King is damn hungry." He said pouting his lips and I chuckled.

"Queen has many things to serve him." I said kissing on his lips and he smiled. Then he went to freshen up and I went to the kitchen to take our food out. After taking out our food I went to our room and sat down on bed waiting for him. After some time he came and smiled looking at the food.

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