Chapter:- 13

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Aariz's POV:

"You guys think he doesn't know that Aariz went to meet you that night?" I looked at her hearing her. Does he know this too? But I went there secretly.

"He knew?" We heard Hamiz and she smiled.

"Of course he knew. You wouldn't be able to get inside without his permission. Those three guards were told to act like they have caught you sneaking inside. He was shocked when Azra agreed for the marriage. He was very angry on her for saying yes but he couldn't express that to anyone. And that night he caught you four talking on the terrace and he got to know what's actually going to happen. He knew at the end you won't be able to do anything that's why he acted rudely with you when you went to talk to him so that you forget talking to him and take some action. But the thing which happened after months was unexpected. No one knew that so-called nephew of Sohail would do something like that. And he knew only the way to call you there was to do something with Azra. So, you guys were never alone. He knew everything from the start." I feel speechless right now. I don't have words to form. Where will the words come when the matter itself doesn't let you form words?

"Then who were the people who followed us after we drove away from there?" I looked at Hamiz hearing him.

"I don't know how Sohail got to know this but they were his men." She said shaking her head and I sighed. I looked down when I felt tears falling on my hands.

"But why Abbu wanted that land that he agreed for the proposal?" Ahsan asked with shaking voice and tears falling down.

"He want that land to build a college there. Only for girls. He has been trying to do that from years but before he can buy that land Sohail bought it. He couldn't see Ashfaaq going ahead." She said sighing deeply and I sighed. The girls of this family has gone through a lot.

"I want to meet him. Can we go and do that, please?" I looked at her when I heard her to find her looking at me with tearful eyes and cherry nose.

"No you can't." I looked at Aunt hearing her.

"You can't. I have seen Sohail's men around that means they know you live around. He can be dangerous for you. Once his chapter will be closed, you can go back." She said shaking her head and I looked at her who placed her head on my shoulder.

"I'm going. I have to go now." Ahsan said getting up from the couch.

"I'm sorry, Akka. I should be with you but I can't. I really want to go, Akka." He said wiping his face and before anyone could react he walked out.

"I'll be just back, love." I said keeping her head on the headrest and walked out.

"Ahsan." I called him who was about to go out of the gate. He stopped hearing me and turned.

"Here. Go with this. And wait." I said and took out my pen from my pocket and wrote Azra's number on his palm.

"Call on this number whenever you feel like talking to Azra. And be strong. You may have to punish those ba**ards." I said patting his shoulder and he nodded his head wiping his eyes.

"I'll not leave any of them." He said gritting his teeth and I sighed.

"Reach safely. Allah Hafiz." I said hugging him and he left after biding his bye. I went inside to find everyone sitting quietly on their places.

"I think you guys should stay here tonight." Akka said caressing her head who was looking at the ceiling and tears were rolling down from her eyes. I don't think anyone is in the mood of having dinner. The secrets were enough to fill our tummies. Everyone left from their rooms leaving us alone. I sat beside her and held her hand making her turn towards me. I wiped her tears while she closed her eyes letting more tears fall down.

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