Chapter:- 17

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Azra's POV:

I was looking at him who was sleeping right now. Alhamdulillah. Finally he woke up. We came back to our home yesterday. Abbu told us to stay there for some time but my King wasn't agreeing with it. No worries. Until he is fine, my family is fine then everything is okay.

"Mi." I turned hearing her to find her hanging on the balcony making my eyes wide.

"Azbi." I said running towards her and took her down while she was smiling showing me her teeth.

"Why do you keep climbing this thing up, you little devil? I told you it's dangerous." I said taking her inside and closed the balcony door. This little devil is a troublesome.

"Oohhh." I rolled my eyes looking at her who made that voice and her little hands were formed into the gesture like scaring someone.

"Yeah. Like that. Don't forget that." I said laying her beside her Abbu who turned to him with a big smile on her face and kept her chin on her palms supporting herself on her elbows. I wonder what makes her so happy when she looks at him.

"You have done your lunch, right? Now sleep. Until you are awake I won't be able to do any work. You keep jumping around like a monkey in the middle." I said making her lay down properly while she pouted her lips looking damn cute. Masha Allah.

"You are sleeping beside Bu, baby. Take a nap and then we'll play in the evening." I said patting her head who smiled widely. I don't know what she understands but I love it when she follow what I say. But her naughtiness doesn't stop, okay. She is a cute little devil. I smiled when she placed her head on his stomach and crossed her arms on her chest. Ya Allah. She is a drama queen. After she slept I went out of the room. The whole house is a mess. And I think it's not new if you have a small child at your home. I went to the kitchen after cleaning the hall and placed all the toys in a box which will eventually come out in some hours. After freshening up and praying Zuhar I laid down beside the duo who were completing their sleep holding each other. She was sleeping on her stomach still her head on his stomach and wrapping her arms around his chest while his hands were on her back. I took my cell phone and clicked their picture. I wonder how come she is so close to him even when he hasn't spend much time with her. I don't know why but I feel like she understood everything but isn't it too much for her age? I looked at my phone when it rang and smiled finding Ammi flashing on the screen.

"Assalamualaikum." I said with a smile on my face.

"Wa-Alaikum-Assalam. How are you doing?" She asked and I smiled.

"Alhamdulillah good. What about you? How's everyone there?" I asked and heard Sadiya from the back.

"Akka, I miss Azba. My baby. She was my crime partner." I laughed hearing her.

"I don't think she has time to miss you all as she keeps troubling me all the day." I said looking at my little troublemaker.

"Where is she?" Ammi asked and I smiled.

"She is sleeping. She woke up at 6 of the morning and was jumping around the house." I said patting her head who moved in her sleep.

"I told you when she will grow up you'll have hard time handling her." I chuckled hearing Ammi. True though.

"The whole trouble started from the day she started walking. She keeps climbing up the balcony and smile widely as if she has won a trophy." I said rolling my eyes and heard her laughing.

"You were not less than her." I rolled my eyes hearing Ammi. And that's how we talked for some time. After hanging up I covered myself with the duvet and slept.

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