Chapter:- 12

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Azra's POV:

"This man always gets on my nerves when he doesn't pick his phone up," I said glaring at the poor phone. My little one is going to be in this world in two months. Insha Allah.

"He might be busy, girl." I heard Akka and sighed. Maybe she is right.

"How are you feeling, dear?" I heard Aunt Munazza's word and smiled.

"Perfectly alright, Aunt. Alhamdulillah." I said smiling at her and she sat beside me.

"If you have back pains then lay down. No one will be coming now." She said patting my cheek and I smiled.

"Its alright, Aunt. Everyone might be coming here as you have called them here." I said smiling at her and she nodded her head. I was looking at her who I don't know why look similar to someone. Or I may have seen her somewhere before. Either I have seen her before or she looks similar to someone. And I think she knows something. The way she looks at me. I have caught her many times staring at me.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked looking at her who looked at me then nodded her head.

"Yes. Go ahead." Should I ask?

"Have we met before? Or do you know me?" I asked looking at her and she looked at me.


"I mean have we met before the day we met in the hospital? I don't know but I feel like I know you or you know me." I said looking at her and she was just looking at me.

"Aunt." I called her and she shook her head like coming back to reality.

"I think Hamiz and Aariz are here already." I heard Akka's voice and turned to find her smiling at us.

"Let me take his class. He should at least pick and tell me that he's busy." I said getting up from the couch and walked towards the door.

"Do you love to make me worried all the time? Why aren't you picking up m-" My eyes widened and I stopped in the midway seeing my brother. Am I dreaming? I hope not. I really wanted to meet at least one of my family member. I walked towards him and touched his face while tears formed in my eyes finding him for real. Really? He is for real.

"Akka." I closed my eyes when he hugged me whispering. Tears started falling down on my cheeks.

"I missed you, Akka." I smiled widely hearing him. He pulled away from me and smiled at me while wiping my tears.

"We are going to have a new family member." He said smiling widely and all chuckled.

"Well, are you guys planning to keep standing at the door?" We heard Aunt's voice and turned to find her smiling at us. But I didn't forgot to notice tears in her eyes.

"Let's go." Akka said smiling and we nodded our head. All walked inside and I looked at him who was looking at me with a big smile.

"Happy?" He asked wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I smiled nodding my head. We walked towards the hall and found everyone sitting instead of Aunt who might be in the kitchen to bring something. I took my seat beside Ahsan who looked at me.

"How are you here? And what are you doing here?" I asked and he smiled.

"He is here by following someone." I heard Hamiz Bhai and frowned while Aariz chuckled.

"Are you in love with a city girl?" I asked looking at him who was glaring at Hamiz Bhai.

"No, Akka. Its nothing like that. I'm definitely here by following someone but not a girl." He said looking at me and I frowned.

Love: A Strong Emotion (Completed) ✔Where stories live. Discover now