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some things just couldn't be helped. no matter how hard to try to fight them, no matter how hard you try to ignore it, you fold and give into it anyways. despite the voice inside your head telling you it's wrong.

sometimes you make yourself believe it's justified, and that it really cannot be helped.

which is exactly where jisung found himself after school.

following minho.

okay, okay listen. what he was doing is justified! he couldn't just sit back and carry the burden of whatever bad feeling he got at lunch.

what if that bad feeling was right? he just couldn't shake how minho's whole mood changed after he read that text on his phone.

and this is exactly why he told chan that he had to go home after school because his mother needed help with something, and which is why he was now distantly following minho home.

he took careful steps despite really keeping his distance from the older. he had already known where minho lived from the school, so he didn't have to worry about getting lost or anything.

the more he walked, the more part of him felt a little guilty for lying and doing this in the first place. but the other half of himself told him that it was justified, that he just had to make sure everything was okay.

the way there felt painfully long, and sometimes jisung would catch up just enough to see the silhouette of minho walking in the distance.

he could barely make out the way minho had his hands shoved in his pockets, and could even faintly see the side of his face sometimes as they walked. but the fog kinda covered him up.

and from what he could see, minho's expression was unreadable. he looked less than happy though, that was for sure.

and eventually minho reached his house.

jisung was cold from the air slamming into him on the whole way here, shivering at the goosebumps rising on his skin.

he carefully made his way over as well, taking time with his steps in fear of being caught even though he had trailed so behind.

however while he walked, a car loudly sped past him, making him jump a little, as it shot into the direction of minho's house which was only a few feet away now.

the loudness had his heart racing and he placed his hand over his chest as he sighed loudly at his scare.

jisung heard the vehicle screech to a halt, and for some reason it made him look up with a the pit in his stomach growing worse. he didn't feel good. he had a bad feeling.

it stopped at minho's house.

jisung quickly sped up his steps, running to the house and swiftly sneaking to the side of the structure by quickly going past the bushes decorating the outside of it. he pressed his back against the outer wall and panted, catching his breath as he finally heard the car door open after the person inside waited a bit.

just in time with that, jisung also heard minho's front door open.

his heart was racing from his rapid breaths, the cold battering up his lungs as he tried to recover from the sudden sprint he had broke into.

"you weren't supposed to come today." minho's flat and annoyed voice caught jisung's attention.

so minho was lying. this wasn't nothing.

"who the fuck cares?" it was a rough voice, and scary sounding. it made jisung's stomach drop as he listened from where he was at the side of the house.

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