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jisung felt his hands immediately clam up.

he didn't know why but felix was easier to first talk to. this boy felt a little intimidating.

"hey." he still smiled a bit, waving his hand carefully.

the boy with sharp eyes and black hair seemed surprised to be spoken to.

"hi." he greeted back, scanning jisung up and down.

"why aren't you in class..?" jisung asked curiously.

"why are you in class?" the boy questioned, eyebrow raising.

the topic switched to jisung, and he was oblivious enough to answer. "i was called into the office.. what's your name?" jisung seemed confused as to why this boy seemed so strange.

"lee minho."

"i'm han jisung. it's nice to meet you." jisung let his hand out for minho to shake, to which he did.

minho smiled again- and this boy looked intimidating as hell until he smiled.

"other than the felix kid, this is the first real human interaction i'm getting." jisung spoke, a little more to himself than anything.

"lee felix?" minho questioned upon hearing the name.

"yeah. you know him?"

"yeah he's my good friend. you're in his first period class?" minho seemed interested as jisung nodded. "you guys normally talk?"

"well kinda. i only just met him, he's super nice. it sucks that we have to tone down our personalities though- the school is so strict. but i like his hair."

minho's lips slowly formed into a slight smile, "you wanna dye your hair?"

"yeah! i've always wanted to. it's too risky for me though, it always scared me. besides, where would i even get dye?" jisung babbled just slightly- not being used to talk this freely in a while.

but minho didn't seem to mind much. "i know a place." minho spoke, making jisung stare back in surprise.

"really? if i ever wanna dye my hair you can take me to them?" jisung asked, eyes lighting up.

minho noticed the sparkle this boy had, he was very energetic which was rare to see.

"sure. just let me know if you ever want to. i'm never in class so you can catch me in the halls." hearing this, jisung remembered his other question.

"why don't you stay in class? if you get caught you could literally get torn to shreds." the tone seemed to flatten as if jisung remembered where they were in that moment.

"i just don't get caught then. simple." minho's response was too carefree for jisung's liking.

he always got concerned when he heard people talking like that.

"you could get dragged down the hall like that girl.."

"i won't."

"how can you be so sure?"

"why'd they call you to the office?" minho's curiosity sprouted. he raised his eyebrow as he saw jisung deflate a little.

"i'm gonna go back to class. it was nice talking to you.." jisung didn't want to say what happened.

so he backed off and waved goodbye to minho, who just had an unfathered expression on his face as he watched jisung leave.

he heard heavy footsteps rail down the hall- and minho knew that was his cue to keep moving.

he continued to walk down the halls like he did everyday.


jisung found himself feeling more tired than usual as he went home.

his eyes burned for him to sleep, his bag slumped from his shoulder as he walked through the door.

he took off his jacket and put his textbook down on his desk when he got to his room.

he rubbed his eyes and felt deflated.

"so tired.." he mumbled, lightly patting his cheek to wake himself up.

he was going to try doing homework- but sleep really didn't want him to.

he ended up falling asleep early that night, being super drowsy the whole way home.

he easily passed out.

which was why it took him a while to wake up, five hours later.

when he woke up it was pitch black outside and everything was aching.

jisung yawned and ruffled his hair as he sat up, stretching his arms.

"oh god my homework.." he slightly cursed, taking out his books and sheets to complete.

the work was always very easy.

but it was a lot.

he spent he rest of that late late night completing his work before he actually had to get ready for school again.

he took a quick morning shower and did his hair.

he got a blow dryer to dry the ends quicker, and he shot out of the house.

the transition from night to morning felt crazily rushed- but jisung forced himself to walk to school.

he yawned and rubbed his eyes some more, shivering in the cold a bit.

he walked for a while until he saw the school in the distance.

"jisung?" there was a shout calling his name, making the boy freeze and look around.

just in the distance he saw felix waving to him, walking from the direction of the school.

"oh hi felix!" jisung waved back.

as felix approached him, he noticed there was a group of people he came from.

two of them shot jisung looks- while others continued to walk ahead.

and jisung saw the boy he spoke to yesterday.

minho looked at him for a split second before he continued to walk with the rest.

"how are you?" felix had finally made it to him, smiling and talking a bit quietly.

jisung felt a little uncomfortable from the group felix had just left- but he pretended to not notice them.

"i'm tired today, but i'm good." jisung smiled as he continued to walk with felix.

"tired? well when did you sleep?"

"i slept all day when i got home." jisung looked up at felix's blonde hair and smiled a bit- it was his first time seeing it up close.

"so i heard you met minho." felix motioned at the school doors, opening them and holding them open for jisung.

"thank you. and yeah, he seemed interesting." jisung admitted.

the more he thought about it the more the two seemed off from everyone else.

"interesting?" felix raised an eyebrow. "how?"

"i don't know. you do too, you guys don't seem dead like everyone else here. it's nice to talk to someone who has a mind i guess." jisung explained, biting down on his lips when he thought he said something weird.

"sorry- that made no sense." he apologized but felix just shook his head.

"let's go to class."

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