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it was a groggy day.

rainy days weren't rare, they were very common actually.

but this rainy day was different.

the sky was dimly lit, the gray clouds going against and covering the orange sun.

the sky became a mixture of both gray and red, almost.

han jisung has stared at the sky.

"you'll be alright sweetie?" a slender woman came out of the house, looking down at her son as he sat on the concrete front steps.

he looked up at her and gave her a smile, nodding his head as a yes. "i'll be fine."

jisung knew she had to leave quickly in the morning.

"good luck on your new first day." she put her hand with her particularly well kept fingernails on her sons head, before getting into the taxi.

she wouldn't be back for a few weeks.

jisung let his black boots slide in the wet red leaves on the ground, hearing a squelching sound follow it.

he changed schools, and this would be his first time going to this new one.

this new school.

he had no new expectations- because every school in this town was the same.

each and every one.

jisung finally got to his feet, his dark hair was fighting hard against the wind as he started walking.

he didn't live far.

not that it mattered- because nothing really mattered in terms of how far something was.

waiting for the lights to change and for chances to walk- pausing whenever cars and cabs would drive by; jisung was close to getting there.

he stopped walking only when he was met by a large gray building, that had vines decorating the side of it.

the front doors were made from heavy wood, carved out into patters that no one could really decipher.

jisung was naturally very bright and happy- yet he contained it to himself the best he could. he didn't want to drive attention to himself.

he entered the school after reading a large 'crimson high school' at the top of the building.

"crimson high school..." jisung read out loud to himself, as if he was still trying to even understand the name.

when he walked in he followed the room numbers on the top of the doors.

when entering his class he looked around the classroom, seeing that everyone wore their black clothes like they had to.

he saw some people talking, but most concentrating on dimes and pennies on the tables.

dimes and pennies. the counted them, tossed them, shuffled them, and put them flat down on the tables again.

jisung watched this pattern before. it was something the kids did to entertain themselves.

and the cycle was broken by the teacher speaking.

"good morning everyone, lovely day isn't it? very splendid and delightful. rain smells good, huh? very lovely." the woman's fingers danced along her clipboard.

jisung immediately noticed how weird her talking was.

"we start class now. we're going over rules today again, there is a new student so it's important that we do. very important, our lovely rules." she pushed up her glasses.

she spoke with a slight lisp that jisung caught up on.

and eyes fell on him, but he didn't feel uncomfortable. he politely smiled, tilting his head a bit as he listened to the teacher.

"we know the laws and rules here. let's go over them again, yes? no smoking, drinking, or eating in class as you know. there will be no reading of any sorts unless it's out of the three national books, as you know." she went down the list, her hands behind her back.

"no music, no writing, no drawing, and no refusing. as you know." she went down the prolonged list that jisung had heard a millions times before.

everyone knew these rules, so why explain them again?

"alright excellent, lovely. take your prescriptions now please."

"what..?" jisung didn't mean to speak out loud- so his hand flung over his mouth afterwards. it was a quiet whisper, but still.

he looked around and saw everyone open a clear capsule on the left corner of their desk.

a red pill was underneath it.

'this is a pill-taking school?' jisung thought, only knowing two schools that didn't follow this.

his old school was one of them.

he opened the capsule and picked up the red pill, and took it.

it was bitter against his tongue but it went away as soon as he swallowed it down.

afterwards he paused because he felt like someone was staring at him. he felt like eyes were being burned into his side.

he followed which the feeling came from with his eyes, confused. he ended up looking at the door.

in the halls there was one student.

a boy.

who was just staring at jisung.

feeling curious, jisung smiled kindly and waved his hand a little- and the boys expression seemed to drop a bit.

he had dark, sharp eyes with lips- the top one shaped slightly more than the bottom.

but he wasn't wearing black. he was wearing red. a red hoodie, in which his hands were stuffed into.

that was the first person jisung had seen who was wearing color.

the boy looked at jisung just for a bit more before he turned around and left.

after that the class went by slowly.


jisung got home at 3:00 pm.

he walked inside the wooden house, sighing loudly as he went up and plopped onto his bed.

"i love you bed!" he squealed, kicking his feet happily.

he threw off his black shirt and threw on a light blue one. he took off his black jeans and switched into comfortable pajama shorts.

jisung sighed loudly- a smile on his face.

that slowly went away as he noticed the silence in his house.

he looked up at his ceiling at the old glow in the dark stars he put up with his dad when he was five.

they were to be kept a secret.

even though they were harmless, the glow in the dark stars could've gotten them in trouble. they weren't allowed.

but they were always nice to look at.

it made jisung smile a little bit more, as he closed his eyes.

it was dark outside- it was winter so the sun would set very quickly.

maybe it was so dark because of pollution too- jisung would always think about that.

the red glowing lamp on jisung's desk created a hue in the room, reflecting off of his face and against his features.

he fell asleep.

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