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after a final check on hyunjin's health and his wounds, it was decided that he really was gonna be okay.

the tension from earlier was also slowly dying down, as they spent a while talking as a group and playing small games.

"so, are you feeling better enough to start going home?" minho was sitting next to hyunjin, who nodded his head at the question and smiled.

"yeah, i'm sure i'll be able to." he said, because admittedly he missed his bed.

"do you live with anyone?" seungmin asked, head leaning to the side in curiosity.

the boy shook his head. "nope. my parents work overseas so i don't see them much." he shrugged. "but i have to get back to take care of my dog."

"aww you have a dog?" chan loved dogs, so hearing this made him immediately pipe up.

hyunjin also seemed to brighten up at the topic of his dog. "yup! his name is kkami. i also have to try to figure out how to explain everything to jeongin on monday.." he hoped it wouldn't be too much for him.

but he was excited for things to be better for them.

"alright well, i think i should head home. my mom wants me home early so i can help her make food." felix said, standing up before giving a genuine smile. "today was really fun." he'd missed having fun like this.

"aw okay, bye lix." changbin pouted, and noticing the time, everyone else decided that it was probably best to start heading home too.

"this was nice." chan spoke next. "i'll see you guys monday."


"bye guys. oh, you should text me." seungmin pointed at hyunjin before leaving- making the boy laugh a bit before waving.

"bye guys!" jisung then waved as he started leaving too.

minho did a quick wave to everyone else before following jisung out.

the second they were outside, each dispersed into the direction that they were heading.

"you're going home?" minho was luckily going in the same direction as jisung. the younger looked at him and nodded.

"yeah, i figured i might as well." he sighed a bit.

"is your mom back yet?" minho then asked, following the younger with his eyes.

he shook his head. "no not yet. but i don't wanna leach onto people. i have to go back home eventually." even though he knew that would be being alone, he would've tried to suck it up.

"you can stay at my place again."

there it was.

the offer that minho knew should've been more in jisung's favor, but in reality it would've made him just as content.

the offer that made jisung almost trip because- wow was someone that nice to let him stay over for a second time?

he had stopped walking and looked at minho's face. his expression held slight shock. "really..?"

he knew he would feel bad for taking the offer. he was planning on rejecting it- but he just had to make sure he heard minho correctly.

"yeah, i mean. we both are living in houses currently by ourselves. wouldn't some more company do us good?" minho shrugged, and jisung had to hold back a noise.

he was gonna sob. "you really wanna hang out with me?" jisung questioned, hand slapped over his mouth.

minho looked off to the side for a moment before nodding and smiling. "yeah."

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