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"good morning class, everyone go ahead and take prescription. i have a lovely lesson planned today, immaculate." the teacher opened her mouth and her squeaky voice came out.

jisung plopped his head down on the desk, feeling a headache grow.

he groaned before picking his head up and opening the capsule.

he took the two pills and his head plopped right back down with a 'thud'.

lesson couldn't even start before there was some burst of commotion.

"miss, i saw him out again." a girl raised her hand, her voice colliding with the mumbles of others.

"you saw lee minho again? ugh how disrespectful that boy is." the teacher slammed her book down and started walking to the door.

immediately jisung shot his head up and looked out into the hall, and sure enough he saw the black haired boy.

"i told him he was gonna get in trouble.." he mumbled to himself.

as if minho knew there was commotion going on inside the classroom about him again, he turned his head and looked at jisung.

jisung waved at him but he couldn't even see if minho waved back because the teacher blocked his view as she went out into the hall.

"you outta stay away from him." there was a hushed voice coming from someone in the class.

"huh?" jisung turned to who was talking to him.

"you stay away from him unless you wanna be dragged down with him." the boy said.

"he disobeyed." a girl joined in with hushed whispers.

"he's bad news." the boy continued.

jisung swallowed. "bad news?" that kinda scared him. "why?"

"he has a mindset of a maniac- it's terrible. he'll manipulate you, he'll spread his lies. so stay away from him." the boy warned with a serious expression on his face- creeping jisung out more.

"he lies..?" jisung muttered back, to which the girl firmly nodded.

there wasn't any time for communication after that because the teacher walked back into the room.

"alright, lets carry on."


jisung sat at his table with droopy eyes.

he picked at his school food because he forgot to pack his own lunch in the morning.

he sat alone, and looked around.

he saw pennies and dimes spread out on tables again, he saw only the color black on students uniforms.

jisung's eyes fell shut from drowsiness, and he rested his hand on his cheek as he dozed off.

he started feeling sick.

"you look pale," a voice came from next to him suddenly.

jisung opened his eyes and saw minho sitting next to him.

"i don't feel good." jisung admitted, feeling so sick to even think about the warnings he got earlier in class.

"did you eat something bad?" minho raised his eyebrow and jisung shook his head.

"just feel sick." his voice came out jittery as he sighed and lay his head down.

"hm." minho hummed, scanning jisung.

"did you take your pills today?" he then asked, and jisung nodded again.

he was out of it.

minho's eyes glided over him one more time before he sighed and flattened his hand down on the table.

"so jisung, tell me about yourself." it sounded like almost a demand- and it flew over jisung's head again.

"uh- i'm a boy, i live with my mom, i switched school, i like cats, and i'm sleepy right now." he slurred through the statements and his eyes were fallen shut.

"ah. what about your dad?" minho didn't think so hard about what he was asking, but jisung had knocked out before he could even answer.

minho slumped back in the seat after seeing him knocked out.

"there you are!" a harsh voice whisper shouted.

"chan, shh." minho hushed the curly haired australian.

the boy seemed to freeze as he looked at jisung sleeping on the table. he narrowed his eyes and tilted his head in confusion.

"who's he?- ah never mind! you need to stop drawing attention to yourself." he pulled a chair and sat in front of minho.

minho playfully rolled his eyes and grinned a bit. "why?~ i didn't get in trouble."

"you saw what happened to seungmin. you can't pull attention to yourself, people could start going against you." chan grabbed minho's arm and wagged it around.

"just please act normal while people are around, stop trying to get their attention just to mess with them. okay?"

"fine fine alright. come on, let's go. i haven't gotten lunch yet." minho whispered back.

the two stood up and went to buy lunch together while jisung was still endured in sleep.

minho decided to look behind him one time at jisung, and he frowned.

he knew what was happening to him.

in a small bathroom stall that smelled like chemicals and blood was where jisung started throwing up.

his stomach churned and chills ran down his spine. he felt sick.

he gasped for air as he finished, back meeting the stall door.

"oh my god.." he sighed out, feeling as if he were dying.

"maybe i'm dying." he tried to joke to himself, wiping his eyes with his sleeve carefully.

he flushed the toilet, not even wanting to look at the contents of his stomach wash down the pipes.

he stood and washed his face and hands, sighing and shaking his hands dry.

he left the bathroom feeling more droopy, and went to class.

he came back inside the room and sat down.

jisung looked to the side and noticed a seated student staring him down.

jisung had no idea who he was- he had sharp eyes and dark hair with a slit in his eyebrow.

'his chin could stab right through me..' jisung drowsily thought, before turning his head and sinking down in his seat.

he was too tired to even question why the hell this boy was staring at him, but honestly he didn't really care.

his eyes were fell again, and he finally think he'd fall asleep.

and he actually did.

jisung felt his whole body be devoured by sleep, and the teachers voice became muffled.

"excuse me miss, the new kid fell asleep." a girl student raised her hand, pointing at the unconscious boy in the seat in front of her.

the teacher paused and looked at jisung, opening her mouth to wake him up- however she stopped and approached his desk.

she took the paper on his desk beneath him and read his name.

"ah." she said in understanding, "it's fine. he'll stop sleeping soon. now, back onto the lesson." she went back to the front and to the board.

the boy who was looking at jisung noticed this, and narrowed his eyes and shook his head.

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