Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

"You're alright?", Tris asks me the next day over text.

"I am fine, what about you?", I ask him. It feels weird. I wanna know what he thinks. I can't forget about that kiss.

"A bit hungover. Thx. So you don't regret coming to the party, because of what happend?"

Is he talking about the kiss?

Tristan is typing....

"I am sorry! Cassie was really worried, I think she had a bit too much, so I brought her to bed"

So he is talking about Cassie. Not the kiss. I sigh.

"It wasn't your fault!", I text him back.

"So we're cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool!"

When did this become so complicated?


A week passed by since the party and Tris and I practiced for our performance at Tris house. We still have a lot to do and write the whole concept down.

"Good practice, don't you think?", the blonde one says.

"Yeah. We still have to do the finishing. Practice it a thousand times and we need to find the right costumes"

"Wait, give me a sec?" Tris turns around and picks something out of a box in the garage: "What about this?"

He hold up two shirts up saying "muddy puddle" on them.

"YOU DID NOT!", I shout.

"I did. I thought we could drum up the old band!"

"They are perfect!", I say and hug him: "Sorry"

"No problem", he runs his finger through his hair: "Hey, I wrote a part for a Vamps song, do you wanna hear it?"


He starts to rap:

"I give you the multitude of everything you wish

Don't have to take a porting, you can have the whole dish

leave it up to me, let me take all of the expense

Baby when I caught your heart, I knew I didn't miss

meet me on the field and I'll give you the whole yard

you came and lit my fire, so our future will spark

there's something like a story, now we write our own book

this volcano just erupted, got the whole world shook"

"What do you think?", he asks me after he finished rapping.
"It's amazing!", I say. I am so impressed by his writing and rapping skills.

I hug him again, tightly. I don't wanna let him go, but his phone rings. Tris unties from our hug and looks on his screen: "It's Cassie"
"You better pick up!", I say and while he talks on the phone with her I pack my belongings.

If he tells Cassie that I am here? Does she plan her next action, to embarres me in front of him? Is she talking bad about me in front of him? Why am I even here? What do I expect? He has a girlfriend, and has no interest than me. 

After eight minutes he comes back: "Sorry, took a bit longer than I thought. You are packing, don't you wanna stay for dinner?"
"I am sorry, I gotta get home", I say.
"You're sure?"
"Yes. I think we practiced enough for today?"
"I guess, but do we see each other on Saturday?", his ocean blue eyes look at me.
"I think we shouldn't do anything besides practice..."I look down.

"I thought we were friends, so why not?", he wants to know and my heart skips a beat.

"Yes. That's the problem!", I say.
"What do you mean?", he looks confused.

"I can't be friends with you anymore!" I am avoiding looking into his eyes

"But why?"
"My heart can't handle it!"
"Is this about James? Should I talk to him?"

"This was never about James!", I let my hands fall down: "But sure! Go and talk to him!", I say, grabbing my bag and walking away.
"Lu, please wait! I don't understand!"

"Sorry Tristan!", I say, a tear rolling down my cheek as I shut his door. "I hope you and Cassie will be happy with each other!"

more than a friend (Tristan Evans/The Vamps FF)Where stories live. Discover now