Chapter 7

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Choi Haewon POV

I managed to tell Heeseung, Jay, and Sunoo that I was compliantly fine after I got out of the infirmary, even though Heeseung insisted on staying with me til the painkiller had started working.

Now, I was walking down the hallway trying to find my other annoying half. Minnie.
A slight smile crept up on my face once I spotted her by her locker. "Minnie" I called out and skipped towards her.
She looked at me shocked. "Are you ok? You have not been this happy since the teacher spilled all his hot coffee on your test papers" she tried to place her hand on my forehead, but I stopped her as I knew it would hurt me.

"Nothing happened" I lied "I'm just happy to see you now- without any specific reason"

"Does that mean you are coming to the party with me tomorrow night?"


Her smile lessened but still remained. "Worth a try" We hurried to class and got in just as the teacher arrived. In reality, as we almost five minutes late, but so was the teacher, so we didn't get in trouble. I noticed Jungwon in the back of the classroom, he had a worried look on his face, but I brushed it off and tried my best to pay attention to the teacher instead.


After the bell rang I sprinted out of the classroom to go to the cafeteria to buy myself a cookie. Our school sold cookies every Tuesday, the only discovery was that they sold out fast. So in order to get one I had to hurry.
I rushed through the small crowd of people and reached the cafeteria in time. I picked up a chocolate cookie and stood in line to pay.
I showed the cookie to the lady and put my hand inside my pocket to try to find my wallet, but as I had forgot it in my locker she told me to leave and try again another time.

I lowered my hand and walked out of the line. I was on my way to my locker to get the drink I purchased earlier this morning when I suddenly walked straight into someone. Their tray of food tilted towards them, smashing all the food on their uniform.
My eyes widen. "I'm so sorry" I bowed and bent down to collect the tray and cutlery.

The guy I walked into cursed under his breath and throws to dust off most of the food from his uniform.
"Niki?" I said surprised as I rose from the ground. He looked at me with an irritated look.
"I'm sorry"

"It's-its ok" he sighed and grabbed some napkins from someone who was walking past us.
I knew most of the cafeteria was already looking at us because of the loud noise the tray made as it hit the ground. I felt uncomfortable, but I could not just walk away as I had just ruined Niki's uniform.
He walked away, something I was about to do too, but stopped once I met Jisoos firing eyes.

As blood drained from my face I walked toward the girl's bathroom. I got inside a stall and locked the door.

Not long after the door to the bathroom opened and two sets of footsteps walked inside. "Haewon... we know you are in here" Laya sang.

"You know, I feel sad to say this but, I thought you were smart enough to stay away from the new boys once you saw me being with them.
I talked to them yesterday, and they told me how annoyed they felt by having to stick around you since they knew you when you were kids" lies. All lies she told to make the other person feel small and weak.

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