Chapter 58

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I have this weird sulcus where every summer I'm obsessed with Treasure, and every autumn to Christmas I'm obsessed with Kpop that is a mix of classical music, and the rest of the year it whatever.

- moonlight




Han Layla POV

As another period started Yuri dragged the three of us down the exit. When we stopped we found ourselves looking towards a sleeping Haewon in the library.

"Let's have some fun shall we?" Yuri and Jisoo grabbed one arm each, startling the sleeping Haewon. She liked around confused and tried to break free from the two girls' grips.

Yuri dragged her to the lab where she stopped and turned towards the captured girl. "Have you ever watched Fight Club?" She asked teasingly.
"It's a pity if you haven't, but anyways." Suddenly Yuri reached out under the table for a white bottle that she then poured over a part of Haewons hand.

The skin on her hands started oozing, almost boiling. The girl stared at her hand in horror.

"Bye~" Yuri waved and left along with the two others.

I felt frozen.


In a panic, I ran towards the bottle and checked which chemical it was. "Vinegar! Vinegar! I need to find vinegar!" I ran toward the closet and looked over every one of the bottles until I found the one with vinegar.
Unlocking the cap I started pouring the liquor over the chemical burn in a hurry. Though it splashed everywhere, we still managed to stop the burning.

Haewon had tears in her eyes that refused to fall. She tried to stay strong, no matter how much it hurt.
Letting her hand fall to the side she bowed to me and headed out.

How could someone do this? How much do you hate a person if you feel the need to melt off their skin to feel satisfaction?
Again the nausea rose in my throat and I threw up into the nearest dustbin.

Tears streamed down my cheeks.

I ran down the hall to leave the building.
I had to get out.
I had to breathe air.
I had to breathe.

My blonde hair flew in the wind as I ran, almost tripping over my own feet. The constant thought of feeling choked reached my head and filled me with nothing but panic.
The walls became narrower, and the hall longer. What looked like a few meters away, now looked like at least a kilometre.

"Hey hey hey-" someone grabbed my arm. Shooting my head to the side I was met with a Sunghoon who had worry painted all over his face. I'm a quick manner he embraced me in his arms and stoked my hair lightly.

"Breath slowly. Nothing is going to happen" his voice was low and surprisingly calming. He held a tight grip around me and let me calm down before trying to pull away, but I don't let him as I was scared of letting him go.
"Tell me what happened"

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