Chapter 52

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Han Layla POV

Monday came around way too quickly for my liking. I had to wake up by the crack of dawn to attend an institution where I spend seven to eight hours a day forcing information down my brain tunnel.
And then there were the three demons: Minnie, Jisoo, and Yuri.

As I arrived at school I was met by Jisoo at the gate. She had dark circles under her eyes and don't look like she had slept much the last few nights.

"Yuri wanted to meet us behind the school at lunch. She said she wanted to discuss something with us"

I hummed slightly listening to her words. The girls scanned my face, then my body. With two fingers she punched my belly through the thin fabric of my white shirt.

"Have you gained any weight recently? You look fat" She combed her hair with her hand. "Lose a few kilos, we need to look good if we want to keep our reputation. And the last thing we need is you looking like you chugged ten while pizzas last night"

I'll just stop eating lunch for a while.

The first few periods went by in a blur. The deadline for our social studies project was set to be the last week before Christmas, meaning it was two weeks away.
Me and Eunjo almost finished the presentation the first week, so this week we filled in with more text and made sure every detail was spot on.

As lunch came around Yuri straddled towards us with the world's hugest grin on her face. "Hello, my fellow lovely humans. It's a great day today, isn't it."

"Indeed" Minnie smiled satisfied "Did you get them"

"You bet I did" The girl reached out into her backpack and took out a white envelope. "And it's perfect"

We opened the envelope to find a frozen photo of Haewon beating up Yuri. Or so it looked.

"They're fake..." I stated confused.

"And, they'll do the job so why not" Noticing my gaze on her don't change she sighed. "I'm just having some fun. Don't worry too much, she will be gone by the end of the school year anyways. It's a pitty she didn't come to school today, would have been great to take out some anger on her, but I guess I can wait a day or two" She shrugged her shoulders.

Again my head started spinning slightly.

"I thought a little and I wanted to ask" Jisoo stated, "is it alright if I do something to her as well?"

"Of course, she isn't mine alone. Feel free to use her as she is still usable. Someone like her should not go to waste" Yuri stuffed the pictures down back into the envelope, and so down in her bag.

"I have to go, I promised to meet Miss Min" I excluded myself and quickly walked away from the three girls.
Of course, I don't go to ten teachers' offices, it was all a lie. Instead, I hurried to the girl's bathroom and emptied my stomach completely.

After I was done I flushed the toilet and locked myself in the small both as I cried my heart out.

Was this how it was supposed to be? Was this what I had myself into?

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