[Chapter 3] Love Letter

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It was morning, and Maki wasn't awake yet. You decided to let her sleep, and took a look at the clock
"It's 10 AM?!". You wnet to check if Nobara is awake *door slam* "NOBARA ARE YOU ALIVE? " You heard her mumble:"Yes i am.. ". Y/N:wait.. I should wake Maki up. You ran to your room and saw Maki awake.
Maki:Oh, good morning Y/N!
Y/N:Good Morning!
Maki:Where were you?
Y/N:I went to check on Nobara
Maki:Okay, what time is it?
Y/N:10 AM..
Maki:Shit.. I Will leave now, thank you for letting me sleep here!
Y/N:N-No problem!

*Maki left your dorm*

Y/N: She is really cute in the morning.. Ugh.. I wish i could Kiss her..she probably doesn't like me, why would she like someone like me?... Oh i remember, she called me pretty last night..
You had a little smile on your face and  got dressed and ready for the day.
Megumi:Hey Y/N! Come to get the breakfast with us!
Y/N:Alright! Wait for me!
Inumaki was there too.
Y/N:Hello Inumaki!
Inumaki:Mustard leaf!

At the cafe:

Megumi: Is it okay if tell him?
Y/N: Sure i guess
Megumi:*to Inumaki*Y/N has a Crush on Maki.
Inumaki:Tuna mayo
Megumi: Maki told Inumaki tha she thinks You're really cute!
Y/N:*blushes*Wait what?!
Y/N: "Salmon" means "Yes" right?
Megumi: Yes
Y/N:SEE? I am smart!
Megumi:No one said you're not-, are you done yet?
Y/N:Let me finnish my Coffee then we can leave!
Y/N:Okay i am done, we can go now.
Inumaki:haha :D

At the Jujutsu Tech:

You recieved phonecall.
Y/N:*on the phone*NO NO NO, IT CAN'T BE HER-*you ended the phonecall and started to cry.
Megumi:What happened..?
Y/N:My.. My mom died..
Megumi: May i ask How..?
Y/N:She got hit by a car..
Megumi:I am so sorry for your loss
Y/N:I Will be in my dorm.
Megumi:Are you okay?
Y/N:I don't think so but i Will be fine.

When you entered your dorm you saw Nobara looking for something in your room and making a whole form look like a bomb explode in there. You yelled:NOBARA WHAT THE FUCK?!She gave you death stare, and said:I Can't find my bag..
Y/N:Why are you looking for it in my dorm???
Nobara:Because it's not in mine DUH, by the way you look sad what's wrong?
Y/N:My mom died Now leave for god's sake.
Nobara:Oh.. I am really sorry..hooe it gets better, i Will leave you alone for Now..

You closed the door after Nobara left and lied on the bed full of toughts:Ugh, I have to clean my dorm..
You looked over your dorm and saw something wierd. "Huh? What is that, this isn't mine. Oh yeah, that is Nobara's bag". You said and went to her dorm.

You opened the door and saw Nobara's room in the same state as yours.
Y/N:Nobara here is your bag.
Nobara:Oh! Thank you! Where was it?
Y/N:Well, in my dorm..
Nobara:I knew it was there! But you didnt let me stay!
Nobara :I Will Come to help you clean your dorm,just a moment..

Nobara reached for something and handed it to you. It was a piece of paper folded like a heart? You looked at here confused. "It's from Maki she told me to hand it to you" She said.

Y/N:Before i do that.. Is it wierd that Maki thinks i am cute? *you smile and blushed*
Nobara:Not at all, because you really are cute you have really pretty eyes tho.
Your smile dissapeared, because you werent impressed at all "Oh, Okay!" you told Nobara.

Nobara:Yeah, yeah, Now.. OPEN IT!
Y/N:All right..Minimize your Experience.. You said and slowly opened the letter or whatever it was.
Y/N:*reading*"Hey Y/N! I am writing this because i Can't tell it in person but you are really pretty and i like you, i would really like to date you.. And uhh.. I hope you are not straight, Well i Dont Know what to write so.. Will you be my girlfriend?


Hello guys! It's me Megumxiz Here is the 3rd chapter and i hope you enjoyed! 4th chapter is coming soon.


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