Chapter 26 - Truth

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Chapter 26

The moment Brandon woke up he screamed.

The moment his eyes opened....he was disoriented. He was laying horizontal....on a couch, staring up at a white ceiling.

And yet even though Brandon was disoriented....he knew exactly where he was in a matter of seconds.

Hovels office.

It had been years since he had last visited his father's study. The last time had been on the terrible night when Aron the Scribe had decided to visit him and died for invading him.

Brandon felt like his head was made of glass and a terrible dread in his heart made him simply want to close his eyes and go back into the darkness.

But a part of Brandon's mind focused entirely on the fact that he was in danger and so was Nora.....because of him.

So rather than give into the fear, Brandon focused on his surroundings and regaining his bearings.

There was unfortunately not a lot to see.

Hovels office was white like all of the other rooms in the base. The only difference lied in the fact that there was a giant wooden desk in the center of the large room that was covered in books....and that the walls were covered in scrolls or posters and maps.

Far to the left of the room, and directly in Brandon's eye line...was the door....and it was wide open. Light pouring in from the white hallways just beyond the threshold.

Unable to think ahead, Brandon was simply a second from jumping up from the couch and running out of that door. But a rumble and a voice from the right of the room jerked him to a numb halt.

"Lil One....You're awake." Jacobs vice fell over him. Brandon closed his eyes.

The calm baritone that always had the ability too sooth him, instead made Brandon flinch and shoot up into a vertical position.

Jacob was sitting in a cushioned chair....watching him from a corner in the far right of the room His handsome face and cold black eyes emotionless as he watched Brandon from a small distance. Small enough that Brandon had no chance to escape.

"Ja!" Brandon breathed. His eyes darted around the room in slight confusion trying to connect the dots of how he arrived in that room in the first place...and also searching for a way out.

"Clam's only been a few moments. " Jacob softly explained, then leaned back in his seat and smiled coolly. "I brought you here."

Brandon's head hurt looking at the Lion suddenly. The sharp ache behind his eyes remained Brandon that even though Jacob seemed cold and detached his rage and aggression burned hot and fast.

Instead of focus on the Pain, Brandon slowly and cautiously started to stand up from his seat.

"Where am I?" Brandon asked needlessly.

Jacob slowly raised to his feet and replied "You know where you are."

Feeling a cold fear and a hot pain in his heart as he watched Jacob speak. Brandon shook his head and asked next.

"Where is Nora?"

At this question a small sadness lit Jacobs's cold black gaze, but then he looked away, and simply said. "Come on Brandon...its time."

Confused Brandon watched him in silence, then he finally asked. "Time for what, Ja? Where is Nora!?"

Jacob sighed and replied. "Its time for the truth."

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