Chapter 2

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I was running to the nearest body of water without even thinking about it, one of the perks of being a daughter of Poseidon. Too bad children of Poseidon don't have a thing for sprinting long distances because I could really use that skill.
My only hope was to loose the crazed man through turns throughout the shopping part of the island and hope that I loose him within the twists and turns, the closest body of water was nowhere close.
My throat was already dry and sore before I even could make my first turn, I hate cold weather. My legs struck the concrete hard in desperation to move faster when the man shouted things from behind.
When I rounded the corner of a jewelry store, his ranting completely stopped. I took a few more paces to slow down and turned back around, sensing death. It was a side effect of dieing about two times within the past year. I froze in place and listened for his footsteps, but the only thing I heard was dripping water. I then turned back and peeked around the corner to see what had happened.
Around the building, a girl stood over the body of the man, her back facing me. Her hair was short and black, barely reaching her shoulders. She stood in a confident stance in tennis shoes and denim, looking down at the body. She gave me bad vibes, but I couldn't figure out why so I started walking towards her.
A man with a long trench coat came galloping into the scene, yelling at the girl. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO KILL HIM!" he shouted.
She shrugged and calmly responded "He was asking for it."
"Yeah dude!" I agreed with the stranger. "He was chasing me!"
The girl turned to face me and her face immediately lit up. "AW! You were so cute when you were ten!"
"I'm fourteen, thank you very much," I snapped, then got a real look at her face. Her eyes had me locked, I could only state into them.
I screamed as a knife was thrown at me, grazing my braid as I dodged it. Another was thrown, I repeatedly moved out of the way.
"DIE, BITCH!" the stranger shouted as she aimed another one, only stopping when I looked into her brown eyes.
I backed away from the teen, muttering things under my breath under the lines of "Dad, help me...please please please."
"It's okay," the man hesitantly told me, approaching me as if I was an injured animal. His chestnut hair shot out in all directions as if he stuck his finger into a socket. His eyes were dark, but calm as he carefully approached.
My bottom lip trembled as fear coursed through my veins, my legs aching to run even though a few minutes ago they were about to give in. "YOU MONSTER!" I sobbed, falling to the ground and onto my knees. "WHY DID YOU FO THAT?"
The man shuffled in front of me and knelt down. "Who did what?" he gently asked.
"SHE TRIED TO KILL ME!" I squeaked.
"No no no, I was chasing that guy. I never would hurt you," she assured me, joining the man in calming me down.
"Get away," I grunted as I scooted away. "You tried to kill Holly, I wanted her to live a while but you wanted her dead for some reason," I snarled.
"Jade," the man said. "I can't believe that you would-"
"I didn't do it!" she interrupted. "I don't know what she is talking about, I honestly don't know!"
"Don't lie! Take responsibility for your own actions!" I told her, she glared at me.
"You are lucky that you are my sister so I can't kill you," she muttered.
"You see, we are from the future," she explained, talking slowly. "We were trying to get to the time right when the accident with our sis happened-"
"JADE! You're going to ruin the timeline!" the guy warned. "Also, what is wrong with her?"
"I know right, I was also wondering that. Sky, when did you start watching Doctor Who?"
"Doctor what?"
"I like her much more before she became a fangirl of mine, much more calm," the guy commented.
"Are you kidding me? She was screaming her head off a few seconds ago."
"Like I said, much more calm."

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