You would not believe your eyes (agent 4 and marie)

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(A oneshot about agent 4 dealing with a nightmare and Marie getting an idea to cheer her up)

The apartment room was cold and it was quiet, besides the soft sniffling and hiccups of a young inkling and the gentle hum of the fan in someone's room (probably Callie's honestly).

Four can't sleep, but what's new right? So instead the small squid was sitting by the window on a chair she pulled up, curled up against it and holding on tightly to a frog plushie Marie had bought her recently. She didn't have a name for it yet but she'd think of something eventually.

It was a good night for nightmares bad enough to not want to wake Marie it seemed, because staring out into the darkness illuminated by a few city lights, staring at her reflection that showed the tired dullness in her eyes and the tears still rushing down her face as her shoulders shook, there was a small flash of light she saw and it made her sit up a little, moving an arm to wipe at her eyes to see better through the tears blurring her vision still. After about a minute of nothing Four deflated a little, coming to the conclusion she'd imagined it, until it happened again.

And again, and again and again. Small blinks of light floating around outside the window and the agent instantly recognized them. Fireflies. She'd see them out her window a lot back at her old town but she'd never seen them in inkopolis before. Sniffling again she took a deep breath and sat up all the way, setting the frog plush on her lap so she could press both hands against the window, watching with a shine in her eyes. It was a nice distraction from trying to calm down, the sight of fireflies floating under the stars without a care in the world. They probably didn't get nightmares or bad thoughts and memories they wished could go away. All they had to do was fly around and light up the night sky. She envied it a little, slumping back in her chair when she realized how dumb that sounded to be jealous of some pretty bugs.


The sound of her name startled her a bit and she held her plush tight again and nearly slipped off the chair, the noise it made that was so loud she cringed a little as it slid more against the wall a dead giveaway to the voice that she was indeed up way past when she was supposed to be. Squinting through the dark she looked to the ground when she realized it was Marie. There were footsteps and out of the corner of her vision she could see the cuttlefish was now crouching down in front of her. "You ok kiddo? It's awfully late." Four shrugged, frowning and holding onto her plushie a little tighter. Marie slowly set a hand on her shoulder and she flinched a little at it, the other nearly pulling it back but Four started talking before she could stop herself. "Please stay" she begged quietly, trying but failing to stop the tears still coming down and keep the shakiness out of her voice. Marie gave her shoulder a small squeeze and nodded. "I'm here Four, I'm here. Bad dream again?"

She nodded slowly, feeling the quieter sobs leave her mouth as she ducked her head lower. Marie wrapped her arms around her and Four stood up and sunk into the embrace. "It's ok, it's ok I promise. You're home and everything's ok. Take a deep breath and look at me ok?" Slowly the squid did as told, taking a few shaky breaths until eventually the same shakiness was ebbing away and she could bring herself to look up at her mom for a brief moment before burying herself against her again. Marie slowly rubbed her back. "Oh Four.."

They stood there for a few more moments, letting herself cry some more and the cuttlefish holding her close with one hand and running a hand over her tentacles with the other. Eventually a quiet voice pierced through the darkness, soft and delivering a feeling of safety. "Hey Four, look."

She pulled her head up and looked up towards the other again, following her gaze that was looking out the window. There were fireflies still but it felt like there were loads now. Too many to count alone and the lights of the city felt like nothing compared to them all. She couldn't help but stare, lost in the sight before her mom pulled her back into reality. "Stay right here, I'll be right back. I have an idea." She whispered with a smile that had spread onto her face. Reluctantly letting go Four sat back down on the chair as Marie walked off back to her room. Swinging her feet back and forth and scratching a bit at her fingers while she waited, eventually the cuttlefish was back, a jacket over her usual night shirt and another one in her hand. She handed it to her before going to the door. "Throw this on and then come put your shoes on." Four stared at the jacket for a second, before turning her head to look back at Marie. "Why?"

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