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Emiko began placing dishes in the sink, cleaning each with a straight face. She was extremely happy about making the donuts, but she could just hear the brothers talk about Hanako.

"What if he's not bad?" Emiko widened her eyes to Kou's voice. "Not all apparitions are terrible people, even if they were before doesn't mean he is now!" She placed the last dish on the towel beside the sink, drying off her dampen hands. She smirked, starting to walk towards the boys.

"Ok, Kou. I'll believe you." Teru spoke, grinning at his brother as Emiko entered the scene with a large smile.

"Oh, Teru?" She rubbed her shoulder against his, getting close. "How did you like the donuts?" When she raised her eyes to look into his ocean ones, she noticed his cheeks redden.

"T-they were good." Due to his stutter, she realized her habit kicked in. She backed off, clasping her hands behind her back with a subtle face.

"Sorry. You know my tendency." Emiko apologized, keeping eye contact. Teru began to laugh, a chuckle at first, then a full-fledged laugh. Kou and she were giving him puzzled looks.

"Oh, Emiko. What am I going to do with you." She moved her eyebrows up, hearing his specific words.

'He's a cute boy who just said...that?'

"What?" She cocked her head to the side as she stood beside Kou on the wall.

"Your habit is hilarious." Teru calmed himself, wiping a hysterical tear from his eye. "At first, it was weird, but I git used to it after witnessing many occasions." Emiko began to blush slightly from embarrassment.

"Why are you red?" Kou asked innocently, looking into her emerald eyes. A grin came across her face.

"I'm embarrassed, that's all."

"Your embarrassed?" Teru asked, taking a step closer towards her. "Must suck. Well, I'll leave you two." Teru patted her head before strolling down the hall.

"Interesting," Kou spoke, lifting his hand to his chin in suspicion.


"I haven't heard him laugh like that in months. He laughs with his friends, but that was real." Kou replied while scrunching his brows.

"I want to give some donuts to Hanako. You should give some to your girlfriend." Emiko teased while walking into the kitchen.

"Wait, I don't have a girlfriend," Kou mentioned, watching Emiko bag up the fresh donuts.

"Nene is your love." She shoved a bag into his chest. "Give these to her." She presented a small grin, making him lightly blush.

"Ok, but she's not my girlfriend." Kou pouted. Both of them then left the kitchen, grasping their bags as delicate gifts.


"Nene! Hanako!" Emiko shouted, blasting through the bathroom door, Kou following. "We've brought something!" she sang.

Hanako and Nene looked at the two in shock, surprised at their sudden entrance.

"Now, I know it took quite a while to make these bad boys, but-" Emiko went shoulder to shoulder beside Hanako, who was standing by the windowsill. "They're still close to fresh." Emiko lifted her bag to Hanako.

His face lit up with a beam of happiness. It was as if he felt the exhilaration of his favourite Rollercoaster ride. He quickly shoved his hand in the bag, grabbing the top donut.

"Thank you, Emi!" Hanako blurted in delight.

"Thanks, guys!" Nene spoke as the donut was halfway in her mouth.

"Gosh, you have to eat it right," Kou said while ripping the donut out of her mouth and placing it in her hand.

"Emi?" Hanako quietly asked, causing her head to spin. "What's your favourite food?"

Emiko presented a grin while saying, "It's salmon, but the way my dad cooks..." she paused, her joyful face slowly dropping. "T-the way my dad cooks it is the best."

Hanako noticed something was off when her face changed, and her tone. Her angelic voice shifted to a dark and somewhat unknown tone that made Hanako question.

"He dry rubs the fille with salt, pepper, and lemon pepper, which makes it extra tasty." A grin was placed on her lips, but it was a sad one.

'I always loved dad's salmon. It was fun to eat with my family.'

"What happened?" Hanako asked, leaning forward just a bit. She made eye contact, watching his orange orbs.

"It's nothing, really." Her face shoved itself away from his, watching Kou and Nene eat the donuts together.

"Tonight, I'm going to join you on the roof." Hanako proposed. Emiko's eyes became softer than before.



"So why did you want to join me?" Emiko asked, her sitting with her back against the tan wall of the roof. Hanako sat beside her, their shoulders touching.

"Earlier, what happened?" His eyes moved from the dark sky to her. "Why were you sad?"

Emiko then remembers their conversation. She looked up at the stars, sighing to herself.

"Anything, that I speak of to you, that deals with myself will not be leaked to anyone else. Got that?" She asked, tilting her head towards Hanako.

"Will do, pinky promise?" Emiko lifted her head, nodding as she linked pinkies with him. She leaned closer to him as he did.

"Thanks, Hanako." Her smile made him blush ever so slightly. A few strokes of redness appearing on his cheeks.

"You're welcome."

"Now." She lowered her hand to her lap. "My father is dead. That is why I was sad. I just miss his salmon fish." Her facial expression dropped from happiness to a depressive state.

"I'm sorry to hear," Hanako said.

Emiko's head hung low as she thought of her dad's lovely smile.

"Good job! You did it!" he cheered on, holding the test in his hands.

"Thanks, dad!" Emiko replied, suddenly feeling the warmth of arms wrap around her. A grin appeared on both of their faces.

As Emiko thought of the memories, she felt a cold touch rub her hand. She looked down as saw Hanako's hand on top of hers.

"Hanako." She gazed into his orange orbs, seeing him gaze back. "You're awesome." A blush came over his face, making him turn quickly.

"I'm not that awesome." After his response, Emiko chuckled and intertwined her fingers with his. She leaned her head on his chilly shoulder, feeling warmth rush to her cheeks.

"But you are."

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