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After Emiko reached Tsuchigamori's yorishiro, she stared at the crimson rock. Her gaze diverted to No.5.

"This is it?" She questioned once more.

"Yes, it's something a boy gave to me. He's the only one I know of that has changed his future." Her eyes widened to his words.

'Changed his future?'

Her head bowed in front of him, seeing his body slumped in the chair.

"I'm proud to be the one to know this, sir." After her formality, he chuckled.

"Please, just call me No.5 or Mr. Tsuchigamori." Emiko nodded with a slight grin.

"Before I do this, do you mind explaining how he changed his future?" The teacher sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm afraid I've said too much." Instantly, an idea came to mind. A light bulb appeared above her head as she leaned forward, a few inches away from No.5's face.

"Can I change the past?" Tsuchigamori raised his gaze, presenting sorrowful eyes to the girl.

"I know it must be hard." His voice was soft, light, and so vulnerable. She felt something hit her head emotionally, making her stand up straight, pulling herself away. Her face hid behind her hair, keeping her eyes wide. "I'm sorry for what happened to your family, but you can't change the past."

"Oh," she spoke in disappointment. Emiko wanted to cry, but no tears poured. "It's great to hear that He changed his future. Though it was probably for the worst." Emiko lifted her eyes, meaning his purple orbs.

'I know who changed their future. It's written all over both of your faces.'

"Hanako. I'm sure he would've had a wonderful future." Tsuchigamori stood quickly, shocking Emiko as his eyes were as wide as hers.


"I'm a decent person reader. I can act dumb but I know the truth. Though I have been tricked a few times." She pushed her hand forward, gripping the rock and lightly yanking it out of Tsuchigamori's grip. "Thank you." She said before tearing off the talisman.

Glimpses of memories faded through her vision, presenting Amane and Tsuchigamori interacting with each other. Emiko noticed that this was Hanako when he was alive. She also observed that he had a huge love for space, knowing facts from the back of his head. Then something that he said stuck in her mind.

"I'm not going anywhere."


Emiko fluttered her eyes due to the brightness, lifting her upper body. She looked around, noticing Tsuchigamori beside her.

"I saw." She said out of the blue. "Amane is Hanako." Tduchigamori nodded, leaning back in his chair.

"You feeling alright."


"That's good." He clasped his hands together, leaning forward. "He was supposed to be a science teacher." She took a quick interest in the conversation, begging him to continue in her head. "He loved space. He was supposed to live a long life, but he decided to cut things short." Emiko leaned forward once she saw his head drop. Her hand grazed his shoulder, patting it.

"It's ok. Though he was supposed to grow and become a different person, it's still great that he's helping you and the other wonders." No.5 nodded, Emiko removing her hand.

"Emi!" A familiar shout made her look towards the blue curtain, seeing a black uniform flash towards her. "I missed you!" he shouted, gripping around her waist.

Emiko grinned, slowly snaking her arms around his waist, making him lightly blush.

"Hey, Hanako." Suddenly, that same memory of Tsuchigamori and Amane wriggled back into her mind. Her grip on him tightened as her hands scrunched his jacket.

"I'll leave you kids be." Tsuchigamori waved them off as he shoved the curtain away, exiting the room.

"Emi?" Hanako asked, pulling himself away from her. Her smile was still in place, showing her glittering eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She paused, wrapping her arms around him once again. "Amane." Hanako was stunned, his arms frozen in place.

"W-what?" Hanako stuttered.

"Amane, it's a lovely name." She pulled away, seeing his stunning eyes and frozen body.


"Sh." She placed her finger across his lips, raising herself off her bed. "Let's go." She grinned towards him, grabbing her things and heading towards the door.

"How'd you know?" Hanako asked, following beside Emiko.

"I saw a vision when I ripped the yorishiro."

"Oh." His hands were stuffed in his pockets, keeping his head low as Emiko presented her smile throughout the empty hallway.

"I love it so much." Suddenly, some black and purple aura filled the hallway in front of both of them. Kou was waiting out for help, hoping to reach someone's ears.

Both Emiko and Hanako dashed forward, seeing Kou kneel beside a cute-looking boy with a pink sweatshirt and long hair that was up in a ponytail.

"Kou?" Emiko questioned, standing still behind him.

"Ha, look at your friend now!" Emiko lifted her head to that low voice, seeing Hanako in the dark aura.

'Wait. That's not Hanako. This boy has a black talisman on his cheek and he's wearing different clothes.'

The mysterious boy leaped as Hanako swung his knife forward. Emiko knelt beside Kou, seeing tears slowly run down his cheeks as he gripped his friend.

Hanako and the mysterious boy continued to fight but suddenly paused when the mysterious boy pinned Hanako to the windowsill. Emiko raised her eyes, watching as Hanako's face displayed fear, the most she's ever seen.

"Hanako?" The mysterious boy spoke a few words and vanished into thin air, the dark aura leaving the area. Hanako continued to stay stunned at the windowsill.

"No!" Kou's shout pulled Emiko out of some trans, making her look towards the unconscious body.

"Kou, who is this?" She lifted her hand onto his shoulder, leaning forward slightly.

"He's Mitsuba, a great friend of mine!" he huffed, tightening his grip around his friend. Emiko noticed a distinct feature in the cute-looking boy. A black hole was in place of his chest, making her gasp.

"Oh, Kou." Specs of dust began to form around the cute boy, the skin dissipating around Kou's arms. His tears reached Mistuba's face before it disintegrated into small particles that floated away.

Emiko raised her eyebrows as her mouth was parted, keeping her hand on his shoulder.

"Kou." She then moved her gaze to Hanako who was still frozen. "Hanako?" There was no response.

Out of pure instinct, she lifted herself quickly, rushing by his side.

"Hanako?!" she blurted, shaking his shoulders vigorously. "Hey!" There was still no response. Her face was worrisome as she paused her shaking.

Her hands pulled him towards her. This embrace made her squeeze her eyes shut, feeling his cold, frozen body against hers. A feeling of arms wrapped around her torso, making her eyes flash open.

"Thank you," Hanako spoke. Emiko quickly pulled away, presenting a look of determination.

"Now." She dropped her left hand and left her right on Hanako's shoulder. Her eyes gazed towards Kou's sobbing figure, flicking to get his attention. "Who the hell is that?" She asked, switching her gaze between the two boys.

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