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Nene dashed forward, hugging her friend in excitement.

"You did it! I knew you guys loved each other." Emiko chuckled as her friend rubbed her face against Emiko's.

"Calm down!" Emiko continued to laugh as Kou approached Hanako with a grin.

"Just keep her safe," Kou spoke, lifting his fist. Hanako did the same, clashing their fists together.

"I will." Hanako smiled.

"Nene! Stop!" Somehow the two girls went from hugging each other to a tickle fight. 

"You stop first!" Nene blurted.

"But I did!"

"Oh. Nene stopped and they both lifted their bodies off the ground, adjusting the wrinkles in their clothes.

"You got my shirt dirty." Emiko scoffed. 

They all agreed to bake something in the kitchen to eat before Kou and Nene left home. As they approached the room, Emiko shuffled her hands together, running around to grab all the tools needed to create a specific recipe.

"Emiko, what are we making?" Kou asked as she tied on her apron, pulling her hair up into a ponytail. 

"My dad's famous salmon!" she blurted as she quickly grabbed all the ingredients from the fridge and cabinets. Everyone stood in shock at her speed of pulling things together.

"Are you making it by yourself?" Hanako asked, but was suddenly grabbed by Emiko and dragged towards the large island. 

"No, you idiot. I'll teach you guys how to make it!" 


"Here we are!" Nene yelped as the wind calmed at the top of the roof. 

"Set the food there," Emiko ordered as they all sat in behind the railing. Emiko sat beside Hanako, who sat beside Nene, who sat beside Kou. It was a straight line. They all had the ability to gaze out to the sun slowly setting as they dished their plates with the delicious salmon.

"This is so good!" Nene moaned from the satisfaction, scarfing down the rest on her plate.

"Nene, watch it! You have to-" Emiko stopped scolding her when she realized there was nothing left on her friend's plate. "Nevermind." Everyone laughed at the event.

"She wasn't kidding!" Kou expressed.

"Yea!" Hanako spoke, scarfing it down. Emiko sighed as she took another bite.

"You guys are really helpless." Once she took her chopsticks and grabbed another piece of fish, she lifted it. Suddenly, Hanako leaned forward and stole the bite. Anger fumed within her since it's been years since she's had this meal.

"Did you just steal that?!" she shouted, turning her furrowed eyebrows to Hanako, who was whistling as if nothing happened. 

"Maybe." He quickly dashed away from the group, Emiko lowering her plate carefully, then following his tracks.

"Maybe she's the one who's helpless," Kou spoke, receiving a laugh from Nene.

"They are cute though."

"Hanako! Get back here!" Emiko shouted, finally catching up to him. Quickly and swiftly, she tackled him, being straddled over him with her hand on both of his sides.

"Oh, no. You caught me." Hanako teased sarcastically, making her grit her teeth.

"That was my bite," she growled. Hanako gripped onto her wrists, hooking his feet under her legs. "What are you-" Hanako spun off his back, pinning her to the ground, straddling her this time.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Hanako leaned forward, noticing her blush. "You're cute when you blush like that." He placed his lips on hers, feeling her arms relax. She kissed back, but instead of a normal one, she introduced a french kiss. 

Hanako loosened his grip on her wrists, as he lifted his face away from hers.

"That was new," he smirked, grabbing her hand and pulling her up to stand.

"Yea?" They both ran back towards where they were eating, noticing the sun almost completely down, presenting the pink horizon as the dark sky approached from behind.

"Did he learn his lesson?" Nene asked, taking a bite of her bread.

"Of course he did." Emiko grinned as they lowered themselves in their spots.

Emiko continued eating her favourite meal as the sun continued to drift away, finally finishing it.

"Well, we must be off!" Nene waved as her a Kou grabbed the plates and supplies. "Thanks for teaching us how to make it."

"No problem! Bye guys!" Emiko waved as they faded from her view.

"It's a nice night," Hanako spoke softly. Emiko did what her urge told her to do and rested her head in his lap. 

"It really is." She grinned under the approaching stars as the light began to fade away. "Thank you." 

"For what?" Hanako looked down, seeing the side of her face.

"For everything." Her response gave him a warm smile. 

"Thank you for everything." He stretched his legs, making it more comfortable for her to lay down. 

As she watched the sky illuminate stars, he combed her hair with his fingers. Emiko loved this feeling; his hand running through her turquoise hair as well as being up on the roof. This time, being up on the roof was different. She felt happier than before.

'I feel alive.'


Thank you all for reading this piece of work! It took quite some time and honestly, I loved doing it! 

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.

Again, thank you all..

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