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"My brother, my twin." Kou and Emiko's eyes were wide, staring at Hanako. "Don't ever trust him." Hanako lifted his orange orbs to face Emiko. "Ever."

"Your brother killed Mitsuba!" Kou blurted, dashing forward and ripping the ghost boy away from Emiko's grasp.

"Kou! Stop!" she shouted, attempting to pull him away from Hanako. "He didn't do this." She pointed out, aiming her finger towards Hanako.

Kou clenched his fists, one free and the other holding Hanako's collar against the wall. His teeth gritted as he scoffed.

"Whatever." Kou shoved Hanako against the wall, letting him go before walking in the distance down the dark hallway.

"Kou! Wait!" Right as Emiko began to days after him, Hanako grabbed her wrist.

This forced her body to turn around, making her eyes meet his. Emiko spotted his look, his orange eyes showing fear just like before.

"Hanako," she mumbled, feeling the need to step closer to him. "What did your brother do to you?" That question made the boy's head spring up.

"H-he." a small paused was in play as Hanako tightened his grip. "He hurt me." That same memory flashed in Emiko's mind, seeing Tsuchigamori treat Amane's arm.

"Sorry to hear." She slowly stepped forward, only being a few inches away from his body and face, keeping her lovely emerald eyes locked on his orange orbs.

"Tsukasa is his name." Emiko felt his chilling breath hit her skin, sending goosebumps down her spine.

"I need to tell you something." She pivoted on her feet, grabbing his wrist and quickly running down the hall.

They both eventually find the stairs and run down them, skipping a few on the way. Once Emiko busted the exit door open, she practically dragged Hanako to a small wooden picnic table that seems quite old.

Emiko sat on one side, Hanako sitting in front of her. Her emerald eyes were no longer soft, but dark and hazy. Hanako almost gasped at the sudden darkness of thoughts that flooded the area.

"What I'm about to tell you must never be said to anyone," Emiko spoke, keeping her sorrowful eyes on his, seeing him nod with a straight but worried face. "Not only have I witnessed a murder, but I have committed one." Hanako gasped quietly as her arms crossed over each other on the tabletop.

"Wait, who was this?" Emiko asked, leaning forward slightly.

"I witnessed my little brother being murdered." Hanako's eyes widened to the realization. A sudden flashback hit him of where he killed his twin.

"Oh." Hanako lowered his eyes but brought them back up when she took another deep breath.

"I killed my mother out of self-defense as my brother and father were killed by her." She felt her eyes dropped to the surface of the table in front of her, feeling a cold touch graze the top of her hand repeatedly.

"Emi, it's not your fault." She lifted her orbs, seeing Hanako's hand hold hers delicately and soothingly. Comfort began to settle, but the events were still hurtful.

"Thanks." She replied, showing him a grin, making him lightly blush. His hand pulled itself away from hers as his face showed itself to the side to hide the redness.


"Emiko!" A high pitch voice reached Emiko's ears, feeling her shoulders shaking side to side. As Emiko opened her eyes, she noticed three figures.

"Hello?" It was then when Hanako, Nene, and Kou peered into her view. The bright sun made her eyes squint as she raised her body from the floor, rubbing her eyes as she stood. 

"Emi?" Hanako spoke, everyone, looking at her as she faced her head towards them. 

"What's going on?" Emiko asked, seeing everyone's worried faces.

"We have a problem. There has been a ghost boy floating around outside near the gate." Nene mentioned, releasing her grip from her friend's shoulders. 

"A boy? I haven't seen anyone recently." Emiko replied.

"Follow us," Kou said, starting to walk towards the stairs. Everyone followed behind him; Hanako behind Emiko as she was behind Nene. 

They all reached the door that leads to the large garden outside. Kou opened the metal door, leaving everyone to step across the threshold. Emiko's expression was straight as Nene was nervous, keeping her hands close to her chest for comfort as they continued walking. 

"He was here." Kou spoke, pointing towards an empty piece of land. The rest of the group circled the area. A small cackle was voiced in the distance, making everyone's eyes glance towards the school gate. A hush of wind blew across their faces.

"Who was that?" Nene asked, her teeth chattering. 

"I don't know," Hanako spoke, scooting closer to Emiko. 

"Well, let's wait and see if he shows up," Kou suggested, sitting with crossed legs, resting his head in his palm. His staff laid in his other hand as they all followed his example. Emiko intertwined her hand in her lap, staring at the ground. It grew silent, only the whistling of the birds and gusts of wind. 

About ten minutes later, Emiko raised her eyes to look towards the gate, noticing a small boy. The sun's rays began to burn, making the air around everyone warm up. The others didn't look in that direction or even notice the child's presence. 

'It's the same boy as before. He has turquoise hair and is hiding his face.'

She kept her eyes towards him, noticing his figure inch closer to the group. She squinted to get a better look at who he may be, but it was obvious once his face showed itself. A few strands of hair draped over his eyes as the rest was parted down the middle. Her eyes widened at the sight. 

"Emi?" Hanako whispered, seeing a look on her face. He saw her eyes full of guilt and worry. She didn't respond but stood quickly. "What's wrong?" 

"No, it can't be." Everyone raised their bodies, looking worried as Emiko took a step towards the little boy.

"Emiko, what is it?" Nene blurted. No matter where the others looked, they couldn't see anything. 

'It's him.'

She continued to almost stumble forward. Nene attempted to dash towards her, but Hanako stopped her by placing his arm in front of her. 

"She sees something. Just wait." They began to follow the pale Emiko.

As Emiko inched towards the familiar boy, the others kept their distance. Once Emiko reached the small boy, she knelt, tears slowly rolling down her face. 


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