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Her feet reached the railing of the rooftop. She waved her eyes across the long distance between her and the ground. Her hands were trembling to the grip of the chilling bars as her breathing intensified. 

'They should be here any minute.'

She sighed as a rush of memories imploded her mind. All she could think about was the time she looked into her brother's eyes, as well as her father's. There were memories of Nene and Hanako that floated around as well. 

"Am I really a ghost?" she asked herself once her breathing calmed and her grip on the bars loosened. 

"Yes." The boy's voice rung through her ears. She kept her eyes straight, feeling a slight blush come to her cheeks when she realized who he was.

"Hanako, you are always around." Emiko chuckled to herself.

"There's a reason. I'm always worried about you, you know," he spoke, placing his hand over hers. A smile crept on both of their faces.

"I...worry about you too." Her gaze shifted to the boy beside her. She noticed that same look in his eyes. That look was the same as Amane's in Tsuchigamori's memory. "How am I a ghost?" 

His orange orbs turned to face her. She didn't even realize how close the two of them were. 

"When you awakened, you realized your case, though you may not remember it now. You told us wonders to hide you from yourself and then you shoved your memories of all of our times together out the window." His face aimed towards their hands, his on top of hers. "You're a special case you know." 

"What does that mean?" A gust of wind blew her hair to the side as it blew off Hanako's hat. Her eyes widened to see this boy's looks. 


A grin came to her face when she saw his light blush.

"Unlike other ghosts, your age." he paused, intertwining his fingers with her's and looking back up at her. "You might not die because you are a ghost, but you look older than when we first met." Emiko gasped in her mind.

"When did we first meet?" 

"The day of your brother's death." She was speechless. Her eyes were shocked as her body stiffened, tightening her grip on his hand.

"Wait, how?" she asked, leaning forward more, closing the gap just a bit.

"Just think. I'm sure you know how."

'Think? Ok.'

She moved her eyes to the sky, searching her mind for the reason. It was then when a memory overtook her view. 

"Mom?" Emiko called out, seeing her mother stand above two bodies.

"You." her mother grumbled, flipping a large knife in her hand. "It's your fault, your fault!" Her shouts sunk into Emiko's mind. All the little girl could do was constantly repeat that same phrase.

"I didn't-"

"It's your fault!" Her mother dashed forward, but out of nowhere, Emiko ducked, reaching up towards her mother's hands and grabbing the knife. Her mother tripped over her little body as Emiko gripping onto the knife.

"Mom, stop!" she shouted, warm tears streaming down her face.

"It's your fault!" Her mother started to run towards her once more. Without thinking, Emiko raised the knife in self-defense, closing her eyes.

She opened her eyes to see her mother collapse with blood running through the woman's clothes. Drops of blood clashed against the wooden floor as the girl's hands trembled while holding the knife. 

"Mom?" Suddenly, a sharp pain struck her stomach. When she lowered her eyes, she saw a smaller knife impaling her abdomen. Tears began to flow down her cheeks as dark crimson blood ran down her clothes and legs. Emiko collapsed in front of her mother, who was still breathing. The knife slipped out of the girl's grip. 

As Emiko was faced down, she shifted her head to her mother who took another breath, the mother reaching her hand out to her daughter. 

"Thank you." The woman took her final breath. Emiko watched as her mother's lively eyes fade to darkness and emptiness that the girl couldn't explain. 

"Yano." Emiko lifted her eyes to get one last look at her brother, seeing his open eyes, but an emotionless face. "I love...you." Then Emiko's vision faded.

"That would explain it," Hanako spoke. When Emiko look towards him, she felt his arms embrace her, engulfing her in a loving hug. 

"Hanako." She wrapped her arms around him, feeling something soak in her shirt. It was then she noticed that both of them were crying. "I'm sorry." She did say this to Hanako, but she also meant it for her brother.

"Emi. I-I love you." Her eyes went wide when she heard his voice. She was frozen, not sure what to say or do. 


She felt him pull away, placing his right hand on her left cheek. A small grin appeared as another tear dropped to the floor. Emiko raised her right hand to his face, not even realizing it. She wiped a tear away from his cheek, feeling her cheeks get heated. Emiko's hand felt cold until his cheeks turned red. For the first time, she felt his skin with warmth.

"I said-" he paused, pulling her face towards him. The next thing she knew was their lips connecting. They weren't as cold as she thought, but were soft and warm. 

A smile came across her lips as she pulled him deeper. 

"I love you too," she replied when she pulled away. His smile was the most genuine one she has ever seen him present before.

"You guys can come out now," Hanako smirked after wards, then hearing a series of footsteps march towards them. "I knew it." Hanako sighed as the two figures peered from the dark.

"So, you guys are...a thing now?" Nene asked.

Emiko had no clue and just looked shocked when she lowered her hand from Hanako's face.

"I guess we are." She looked back at Hanako, seeing his blushing intensify.

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