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"Yano." Emiko grinned as her eyes squinted a bit. 

Once her hand gripped her brother's, the others noticed a small boy in front of her, with the same hair colour as her. 

"Wait, Emiko, who is that?" Nene asked, staying behind Hanako. 

When Emiko spun her head, her brother did the same. A large smile was placed on the girl's face, still gripping her brother's hand.

"It's my brother." After hearing those words, everyone ran towards the young boy, grinning at his cute face and similar emerald eyes. 

"He's so cute!" Nene spoke, clasping her hands in front of her chest. "What's his name?"

"Yano," Emiko spoke in a disappointed tone, lowering her head in front of her brother's. "But he's dead. This isn't the real him." She sighed, feeling a hand graze her shoulder. As Emiko looked at the hand, Hanako peered into her view, giving a warm smile. 

"He may be gone, but it's nice that he's still in your heart." Another tear rolled down her cheek. There was a confused look on her face, though, not understanding. 

"Of course he's in my heart, he's my brother," she replied, loosening her grip on her brother. 

"I see you don't understand." Hanako leaned forward, his and Emiko's faces only being a few inches apart. Emiko began to feel the blood rush to her cheeks, feeling the warmth. 


"Let go of his hand," Hanako ordered, making her eyes look at her hands. She dropped her grip, seeing the boy fade.

"What?" Nene and Kou questioned in unison.

Emiko attempted to reach for her brother, but he was already gone. Her body began to feel weak, letting her hands fall to the ground as her tears dampened the soil beneath her. Hanako and Nene wrapped their arms around her, hearing her silent sobs. 

"Yano," she spoke out, feeling her hands grow weaker, losing the grip on the ground, she slipped forward. Hanako's hand stretched out across her chest, seeing her breathing increase as she was tired. 

"What's going on with her?" Kou asked, Hanako moving Emiko into his arms. Her head rested in the crook of his neck as her arms draped over his shoulders. Hanako lifted her, holding her legs. Hanako presented Nene and Kou with a grin as her warm breaths hit his chilling neck.

"I'll explain when she's awake." Hanako began to walk forward, having the two friends follow him. "We're going to let her sleep." Nene nodded to Hanako's words. 


Once they all reached the same spot Emiko sleeps, Nene and Kou walked away, bidding Hanako goodbye so they can head home. Hanako had his back against the wall, sliding down as he gripped on Emiko's sleeping body.

"You're so cute," Hanako spoke as he moved her legs in between his, letting the back of her head hit his chest. His hands wrapped around her torso as she slept soundly. "I know you have suffered a past since Tsuchigamori told me. And I know you won't like it when I tell you and your friends the truth." Hanako took a deep breath, seeing her head move against his chest. A light blush came onto his cheeks as he grinned.


"Emiko, we need to meet Hanako!" Nene shouted as Emiko packed her things. She sighed as she stood from her desk to follow her excited friend.

"Don't forget, I'm coming," Kou spoke, budding into their walk. Emiko sighed once more, presenting a puzzled face when she noticed their curious eyes. 

"What's going on?" Emiko asked as they slowly approached the girl's bathroom. 

As Kou opened the door, Hanako sat on the windowsill, staring out towards the blue sky. His eyes turned to face the three kids in front of him. 

"So, you're here." Hanako grinned as he stepped down, taking a few steps towards the stalls, leaning his back against one.

"Why are we here?" Emiko asked, switching her gaze between everyone. Hanako looked into her eyes.

"What, you didn't miss me?" She began to blush and shook her head. 

"Just tell me what's going on." He nodded after her demand.

"When you fell asleep last night, I told Nene and Kou to meet me here today." He dropped his gaze to the tiles beneath his feet. 

"Oh," Emiko spoke, dropping her eyes as well. 

"About the events yesterday, there has been something I have been hiding from you guys, as well as the other wonders." Once Hanako and Emiko made eye contact, she realized that this secret was about her. She widened her eyes. "Emiko, do you remember anything after you witnessed a murder?" She nodded her head, knowing that she would one day have to tell her friends of the event.

"I killed my mother in self-defense." Kou and Nene looked in shock, keeping their eyes on her. 

"Anything else?"

'Actually, now that I think about it, I don't remember anything until I showed up on the roof of this school.'

"No." She lifted her hand to her chin, looking around in her mind in hopes of something. "Not until I showed up here."

"Ah, I see." Hanako marched up to Emiko, his orange orbs staring deeply into her emerald ones. "You are actually a ghost." Her eyes widened to his words. Hanako placed his hand on her shoulder, his face presenting a sorry look. "I know you suffered a sad past, but it's true." Emiko backed up, shoving his hand out of the way. Kou and Nene stood, surprised at this fact. 

"N-no!" Emiko pivoted and ran, shoving the students out of her way for her to reach the roof. 

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