✶ f o r t y - e i g h t ✶

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Armathia looked at the man after healing Draco's cuts.

He picked up and carry Draco in a bridal style before exiting the damaged bathroom and Armathia following close by.

They walked through the corridors with students gazing in our way, whispering to the other students.

After taking one last turn, there was a door at the end of the corridor. The man kicked the door three times as a substitute to a knock.

The opened and the man immediately got in. Before the door closed, Armathia quickly slipped through the doors without touching the lady behind the door.

Armathia looked around and recognized the windows and the beds. This was the first time she had Astral Projected into Hogwarts.

The lady rushed in front of her a little too close and almost made Armathia fall. She followed where is he lady headed. The lady was grabbing bottles of different kind before rushing in front of her again towards where Draco laid.

His torso was exposed, revealing several cuts and marks, all seemed to be healed but was slowly tearing apart while blood spilled out in droplets.

He was still unconscious but Armathia can feel the pain as the lady poured a bottle of liquid over the cuts.

It began to seel itself back to normal but the scars never left. The pain reduced immediately once they're all patched up.

The man and the lady began to talk about Draco's condition but Armathia didn't listen to every single word as she was focus on Draco's mind.

She gently placed her hand on his forehead, feeling the sweat forming from fear and pain.

She then moved her hand on his hair and began to comb her finger through, letting Draco know that she was here.


Armathia was back home in the garden trying to fix Timmy and their friendship.

"... Fine! I will be friends with you again" Timmy rolled their eyes when they agreed, "IF! You follow everything that I say that involves you powers"

Armathia groaned, "fine"

Armathia got off from her projection and back into the body, "did you take a shower today?"

Armathia coughed from the smell, "I was gonna take a shower tomorrow if you haven't came back early"

"You know you have to wash the body everyday since we're 'teenagers'" Armathia quoted.

"But it's good for the body to have germs" Timmy defended.

"But it smells!" Armathia said, "You know what, we're taking a bath"


Draco woke up tired and felt being weighted down the bed. He was confused at moment but remembered the destroyed bathroom and the unknown spell Potter used.

He looked around and saw no one was there, not even Madame Pomfrey.

He just stayed there, thinking about the possibilities that could happen if he wasn't saved by Professor Snape.

He remembered Armathia hovering over his body before everything faded in his vision. That's when he remembered his task.

He has to finish it tonight for his family sake.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙤 𝙈𝙖𝙡𝙛𝙤𝙮Where stories live. Discover now