wish you back - hjs

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[ 20:45 ]

" HAN "Wish You Back" | [Stray Kids : SKZ-RECORD] "

the notification read. 'Han's new record?'.  the mere mention of his name caused you to uncomfortably shift in your chair and feel queasy. when you were in the middle of a meeting, planning your group's next comeback, a crucial one that too, that didn't help at all. you sighed looking at the time on your phone, the notification under it looked so very tempting to open but you knew you had no choice but to wait until this meeting was over.

"...so how does our leader feel about this? She hasn't commented on anything so far, everything ok y/n?"  the staff asked while skimming through all the presentation slides one more time, "huh, oh.. yes, i'm pretty satisfied with the progress we've made! I believe we'll be able to finalize everything within one or two more meetings, yea?"  you spoke, not even having the slightest clue about a single thing that was said throughout the entire 2 hour meeting.

[ 00:12 ]

walking to the cafeteria, you decided to use the restroom on the way. as you walked in, you were greeted by the stunning full-length mirror that was often seen in your Instagram posts. you walked closer to examine your face before briefly washing it, it looked so pale and the eyebags were darker than ever, even daily makeup couldn't conceal it properly. you sighed out loud looking at yourself in this condition... 

what happened to that y/n who used to beam with energy, one who would brighten everyone's day, the one who all her group mates and juniors were inspired of, the one who everyone would stare with awe at... where did she go?

never did you think the break-up would affect you so much, you thought cutting off all contact with each other for a while would make it easier for you both to recover and give you some time to get back on track. it only made it worse.

You finished whatever business you had in the restroom and made your way back to the cafeteria. Your group mates seemed to be enjoying their late night dinner a bit 'too much' as the entire floor could probably hear their loud ass cackles. Kai, your best friend and group mate, waved at you, calling you over to the table. Your group mates were the only reason you were still sane, honestly speaking. Kai gave you a quick glance and smiled before passing you a bowl of food, " let's talk when we get back home ok? "

[ 01:35 ]

kaiii <3

4 missed calls 01:27

6 new messages 01:27

'what happened to her?' you wondered before calling her back.


she cut the call right after, not even letting you speak a single word. "what.. was that" , you opened your chat with her,

have you reached home yet?

oh & did you listen to jisung's new record?

no one wants to stay at the dorm tonight so i'm dropping everyone off to their places

hey you there?

nvm you prolly passed out

sleep well~ and text me as soon as you're up!!!

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