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Craig and Tweek are 17, Thomas is 18!

The three boys were sitting on Thomas's floor. Thomas was looking at his bugs, feeding them and checking on them. Craig was laying down, and Tweek was laying on his stomach.

"Dude, agh! I love laying on your stomach, your like, a pillow, mm, my pillow boyfriend" Tweek said with a goody smile.

"Ah, thank you my pretty boy" Craig said, smiling bright. He loved it when his boyfriends complemented him, or his body. It made him feel happy. Tweek giggled as he got up, and dragged Craig on his feet. Thomas walked over to the two.

"What are you guys doing?-" Craig asked. Tweek and Thomas smiled mischievously at each other before attack Craig with kisses. Craig laughed as he kissed back.

this sucks, I think I'm sick again, I'm tired, and I miss my husband, soso much, so I'm throwing this out for you guys. :D enjoy it ig :]

Thomas x Craig x Tweek oneshots [ south park ]Where stories live. Discover now