Chapter 3- Indications and Signs

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything the Vampire Diaries. A girl can dream though, right?

"One of these days, letters are gonna fall from the sky

Telling your soul, to go free,

But until that day, I'll find a way to let everybody know,

That you're coming back, you're coming back for me"

~Letters from the Sky- Civil Twilight

Chapter 3

It had been another hour, before they had finished their long tread, and finally reached their destination. As soon as they entered the mansion, Elena collapsed on the couch and Kai took a seat on the chair to her right.

"Switch seats?" He asked her, she attempted not to laugh at the child-like hopefulness on his face.

She eventually scoffed in reply, she'd sat in that chair before, it was painstakingly uncomfortable and he was obviously more insane then she first assumed if he even thought for a second that she would sit there.

Her feet were sore, and she could feel a hunger headache coming on.


She hadn't fed all day and she was seriously starting to consider Kai on the menu, especially since he had been continually aggravating her all day.

She attempted to shut her eyes to calm the monster that raged inside her skull, but eventually her stomach joined in on the hunger campaign. She groaned and hopped off the couch, surrendering it to the warlock still sitting to her right.

She made her way to the garage, praying that the 1994 Salvatore boys, had stocked blood back then.

"Yahtzee." She whispered triumphantly as she grabbed a warm blood bag, from the full-to-the-brim cooler.

'Ironic' She thought to herself about their means of storing blood.

She sunk her teeth into the side of the blood bag ferociously, not even bothering to twist the cap off the top. She drained it in seconds; squeezing out every last drop and discarding it over her shoulder.

"Now that- That's just gross." Kai spoke up from the doorway suddenly causing her to jump slightly.

She rolled her eyes, reaching for another bag.

"Well, it's either these or you." She growled tearing into the one currently occupying her hand. She shivered in pleasure as the warm liquid cascading down her throat, tamed the monster buzzing inside of her.

Kai cocked an eyebrow in disgust, as she drained another.

"How did it feel?" He asked her leaning more into the doorway.

"How did what feel?" She replied, wiping the excess blood that had escaped her lips, and was now dormant on her face.

"When you woke up and found out Damon turned you into a bloodsucking vampire." He continued nonchalantly, studying his fingernails for a quick second then retreating his attention back to her.

She stood there, her eyes boring into the floor, as if deep in thought.

"You do remember that don't you?" He added slowly when she didn't reply.

"I'm going to go take a shower, I'm not in the mood for one of your mind games." She made an attempt to leave the room, but he only blocked the doorway.

"Move, Kai." She sneered demandingly to which he only laughed in response.

"You know the whole 'telling me what to do thing' was cute like three hours ago, now it's just getting old- and annoying. I mean do you ever ask nicely, like ever?"

"Of course I do, just not when I'm around you." She smiled sweetly.

"And you are one to talk about annoying, all you do is talk every five seconds."

"Attitude problems. Check." He mumbled pretending to check it off an imaginary list, like earlier.

"You know what Kai...your right, I should start asking nicely," She started, pulling his attention from his imaginary checklist. A triumphant smile appeared in his face.

"Kai." She said pleasantly.

"Yes Elena." He replied softly smiling.

"Would you kindly get the hell out of my way before I change my mind about feeding on you?" She continued causing a frown to appear on his face.

"And to think we were making progress here." He sighed.

"You know what I'll move when you answer my question." He smirked, bringing her being turned back to light.

"Why does it matter!?" She yelled in exasperation.

He widened his eyes in surprise, "Wow, you've got anger issues too, so much baggage, guess I'll have to add that to the list."

She was clenching and unclenching her fists repeatedly. "Well, let's let my anger issues, be my excuse for when I kill you." She seethed, slowly letting her fangs come out in frustration. She forcefully shoved him out of the way, and stomped back up the steps.

"You didn't even answer my question." He called after her.

Of course she remembered how she felt when Damon turned her. Scared and betrayed. It was one of the few things that she could remember about him and it made her angry. Even so, the last thing she was going to do was share her emotions with an unstable psycho.

She sighed, running her finger through her hair. He was just trying to unnerve her. He was always trying to unnerve. For some sick reason, he basked in the glory of annoying her.

"Gosh, Bonnie if I don't find you soon, I'm going to go insane just being with him." She whispered as if her friend could actually hear her.

She hopped off the bed, remembering her previous mission. A shower. At least then she'd be alone and unbothered. She dug through Damon's shirt draw roughly when a folded piece of paper escaped.

She cocked her head to the side curiously. She reached down to retrieve it, and almost screeched in happiness at its contents. It was Bonnie's handwriting she knew all too well. She looked around to make sure Kai wasn't around. Before she could proceed reading it, she felt it being snatched from beneath her fingers.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked her curiously, pulling it out of her reach when she grasped for it.

"Give it back." She shouted, suddenly feeling like a five year old fighting over a toy.

"Ooh, a note from Bonnie." He said holding it high in his hands.

Elena finally gave up and took a seat in the familiarity of Damon's bed.

"What does it say?" She asked, impatience ringing in her voice.

"Dear Damon and Elena," He started to read, clearing his throat dramatically.

"Hurry up." She said motioning for him to continue.

"I can't stand being here one more day. I've decided to go to my Gram's to see if there are any thing in her grimoires on prison worlds. If there isn't anything there, on to the next plan- either way, I'm coming home. Bonnie."

She smiled.

"What?" He asked her referring to the smile on her face.

"Now we know where to find Bonnie."

A/N: Yay, finally a victory- maybe. XD I hope you guys enjoyed. Please review, favorite, and follow.

~Jay 3

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