12 Chapters left of the babysitter 🙀
Location- Windmill Hospital
Date- January 25, 2015 Sunday
Time- 1:15pm
A U G U S T POVBrandon called me at like four in the morning, telling me the doctor's been seeing improvement in Maria lately. I came up here at like ten this morning just to sit by M side. Ant wanted to come, so I brought him he eventually fell asleep in the chair provided in M's room. Chris came and joined me around eleven, and we both just been sitting here hoping she would wake up.
"Man, August how do you do it ?" Chris asked, biting down on his teeth looking at M.
"Do what ?"
"Sit here and look at her. I mean she not moving, haven't spoke in forever, and you just sit here and be okay with it. I-I c-can't." He buried his face in hands.
"I'm not okay with it. I just watch her sleep a lot when she's at my house, so I just pretend she's sleep and is going to wake up any minute now."
"That's real." He said, into his hands.
Our conversation was interrupted, by two women walking in with balloons and a bear.
"Sorry to interrupt. Didn't think anyone was in here ?" One of the women said, sitting down the balloons.
"Nah, you coo." I said. Chris eventually took his hands away from his face, and seemed to recognize one of the females.
"Karrueche ?!" He said, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Chris ? What are you doing here ? How you know my niece, Maria ?"
"Maria yo niece ?"
"Are you her Mother's sister ?" I asked, standing up to shake her hand.
"Yes, I am." She shook my hand, and I moved to shake the other lady's hand.
"And, you must be Honest, Maria's sister."
"Yes, but call me Aggy." She blushed, covering her smile with her right hand, as she shook my hand with her left.
"How you know them ?" Chris asked me.
"I don't. Maria told me her sister moved in with her mom's sister after.......the incident."
"I would of never guessed that you were Maria's auntie." Chris said, shaking his head in disbelief.
"How could you not. They look just a like."
"But, when I mentioned I talked to you she didn't say y'all was related. She didn't even say she knew you."
"We never met." Karrueche said.
"Before, Maria was born my mom and Kae got into a huge fight and they weren't able to get along after that, so my mom never mentioned her name or anything." Aggy explained.
"But, anyways, Chris, how do you know Maria ?"
"She work for my brother August."
"Wait, so my sister works for August Alsina and my auntie is on the verge of dating Chris Brown ?" Memi asked, as everybody started nodding their head. " Where's Trey, so I can be dating him ?" I laughed a little, before Dr. Brown stepped in.
"August I need to talk to you about you and Maria's daughter." He said, motioning me to step outside the room.
"Y'all got a child together too ?" Aggy said, as her eyes widen.
"Chris watch Ant for me." I said, as I started to head out the room.
My heart is pounding right now, I'm scared it could be bad news. What if the machine stopped working ? What if my daughter died ? What if the ventilator is no longer helping my child ?