Chapter 8

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A/N This chapter has lots of Point of view changes.


"So Harry, do you want to go home or go to another store?" Louis asked me while he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green. "Hmm, how about we go to McDonalds?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders. "That's a great idea Haz!" Louis beamed.


"Harreh!" Louis pleaded "Give me my fries back!" I smirked, he was so cute when he begged. "Never!" I sang out, smiling widely "Please Hazza bear?" Louis asked sticking his bottom lip out and making his eyes bigger. Oh man, he knows I can't resist that look! "Fine!" I huffed. Louis let out a squeal in victory which I couldn't help but chuckle at.

"BUT,on one condition Lou" I told him. "Aww, what is it?" Louis asked "I get to feed you the fries" I smirked. "That's fine!" Louis rejoiced. I chuckled as I started feeding him his fries. "You're so cute Lou" I blurted out, stuck in a trance by Louis' Adorable acts.

*Louis' POV*

I felt my cheeks heat up at what Harry had just said. Did he actually call me cute? Why would he do that? He's straight as a ruler.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head and just shrugged in acknowledgment, and carried on getting fed by him.

"Uh...what's going on here?" I heard a unmistakably familiar feminine voice question.  


*Harry's POV*  

I jerked my head over to were the very familiar voice was coming from. my smile dropping immediately. It was none other than the famous, Eleanor Jane Calder.  

"H-hey babe!" Louis stuttered, standing up to hug her.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned her, refusing to even look at me now that she was here.  

"I came to London to have lunch with my family and then I was coming to visit you later on" she answered him. "But the question is what are YOU doing here with HIM" she demanded, narrowing her brown eyes at me.

"I-I was having L-lunch with him." He responded, stuttering. "In public? feeding each other fries whilst looking into each others eyes like love struck puppies?!Lou, I thought we talked about this" she fumed, trying to control her voice from raising. "I know, I know babe! It's just we were having a rough time and -" Louis tried to tell her before she interrupted "no Louis, lets not talk about It here, there could be some paparazzi near by. Come with me and we'll have lunch together with my parents."  

She dictated, smiling.

Louis looked at me as in to say 'please forgive me' before walking away with Eleanor, hands intertwined. Not sparing another glance at me. I held back the tears as I got up and stormed out of McDonald's.  


After aimlessly walking around for 10 minutes in the rain trying to wash away my tears. My phone started to ring.

"hello?" I asked as I answered the phone. Wondering who it could be. "Hey Harry! It's Taylor Swift, I was just in London for the next week and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out!" She flirtatiously giggled. Maybe this was what a I needed, a girl to distract me from my pain.  

Yes, maybe this could work.

"Uh, yeah sure, why not? So, wh-" "Great!" She interrupted my sentence before I could finish "let's meet up at the London eye" she professed hanging up the phone before I could reply. Wow, what's up with girls being so demanding these days? I wondered as I got a taxi and told them the taxi driver to take me to the London Eye.


"London's so beautiful!" Taylor giggled (The giggle starting to get very annoying might I add.) staring into my green eyes deeply which was starting to creep me out. "Mhmm, it is indeed" I acknowledged, trying to look anywhere but her.

"I really like spending time with you Harry." She stated "Maybe we can do this again some time"  

I chuckled nervously not wanting to hurt her feelings "um sure, that would be nice" I replied starting to feel uncomfortable as she started intertwining our hands together. 

Luckily my phone started ringing which gave me an excuse to have my hand back. Without checking my caller I.D I quickly picked up the phone

"Hello?" I asked, wondering who it could be.  

"Hey Harry, it's Niall. Me, Zayn and Liam are going to have a movie marathon tonight and we were wondering if you wanted to come over?" He spoke out quickly his Irish accent thickening.

"who's on the phone baby?" Taylor asked sweetly, twirling her blonde hair with her left hand. "Harry, is that a girl??" Niall asked "Harry's with a girl?!" Zayn questioned in the background echoing Niall. "Lads I'll explain it you when I get home" I said quickly hanging up the phone.

"Taylor, I have to go to Niall's house now, so I'll see you tom-" I started off saying before getting interrupted... Again.  

"I'll come with you!" She said enthusiastically, "you can introduce me to the boys!" She said whilst giggling, (which made me wince) "but the boys -" "No,I'm sure the boys won't mind!" She giggled whilst dragging me into a taxi, that just had magically popped up.  

Oh boy... What have I gotten myself into?? 



So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! :D oh and wow... This chapter was so late. I apologise :c 

I tried making this chapter longer than the rest, I hope it worked c:  

And this is the point in the story where every thing starts getting Interesting ;D sorry for including Haylor in here. I just had to! And sorry if you get offended at how Eleanor gets portrayed in this book. Just remember this is entirely fiction and I have no idea how she actually is!

Anyways, hope you enjoyed .D




Quack like a duck

~ Dammy101

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