Chapter 3

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Chapter 5

"What about Paranormal activity?" Louis asked me, after eating breakfast we decided to just stay in today and watch movies since it was pouring down with rain "I don't know Louis..." I really didn't want to watch a scary movie, me and horror don't mix well... Lets just say I got scared of Zombie land.

"C'mon Haz! It's a great movie and it's the perfect weather for it!" I looked at him uncertainly.

"fine... "I sighed. Louis put in the CD and jumped onto the sofa getting comfortable near me, I literally feared for my life right now "lets cuddle" Louis suggested. I hesitated but then shuffled closer to him and soon enough we were cuddling. This is how it's supposed to be Louis and me. No Eleanor but this is life, it throws issues and you over and over again and it's up to you if you want to catch them or drop them.

I looked at the T.V I gasped and hid my face into Louis neck, great just my luck. I just had to look at the screen while there was a scary bit on, great job Harry now you look pathetic. "You okay? We can stop watching if you want" Louis asked me in a soft tone "No, I'm alright" I whimpered "I'm pretty sure you crying doesn't mean your 'alright' I felt my face and I was indeed crying I hadn't even noticed, Great. Now I seem like a huge pathetic dork. "It's alright, see? I turned it off. It's gone." He said gently hugging me tighter. I hugged him back even tighter than he was holding me and never wanting to let go.

"da da da da da da da circus da da da da da da da da afro Circus afro, circus afro, Polka dot polka do-"

"hello?" Louis blushed picking up his phone.I grinned, he has afro circus as his ringtone? That's priceless "Oh hey El!" he said his smile lighting up the room "I'm going to go talk to El" he said covering his phone then walking away into his room, my face instantly dropped. Why did Eleanor always have to ruin our moments? Why did I ever even introduce Louis and Eleanor? 'Because you were stupid and in denial that's why' a voice in my head said "shut up!" I hissed, oh wow... now I was talking to myself I need to get out of here... getting up I put on my coat and walked out the door only one person can make me feel better right now.

"Hey Zaynster" I said walking in his door "vas happening?" Zayn said in his silly voice of his that always managed to make him laugh "Its Louis" I sighed flopping down onto his bean bag "oh" Zayn said grimly he knew everything. I usually tell all my secrets to Louis but I can't really tell Louis this as it's about him. "Want to talk about it?" Zayn asked as I usually like to vent out my problems by telling someone "nah mate, I just want to take my mind off things... Want to play Mario cart?" I suggested instead "Sure" he smiled as he put in Mario cart.


I looked at the time to see it was 3.32pm. Zayn and me had been playing Mario cart for nearly 2 hours now "Zayn I think I'm gonna head back now" I said "Sure mate if you need to talk about anything I'm here" he said smiling at me. "Thanks Zaynie" I said as I went for a hug.

"I'll catch you later then, yeah?" he asked, "Yup, bye bye" I shouted as I walk out his flat, I put my head in pockets and starting walking, I didn't know where I was going I just didn't want to go back home, just yet. After 10 minutes of walking around I reached a familiar looking park. I think I had gone past this park before. I walked over to the swings, which were thankfully isolated and sat down just thinking about all the stuff that had happened to me. I can't believe I actually thought that Louis might of liked me. Out of all th-

"Hey there" an angelic, manly voice spoke out. I looked up to see a boy with stunning brown eyes and dark brown hair. "Take a picture it lasts longer" he smirked sarcastically. I felt my cheeks heat up, "uuhh h-hi" I replied embarrassed "I just decided to come over cause I saw you looking a bit sad" he explained "oh" I replied meekly trying to get my blush to go away "My names Daniel by the way but please call me Dan" he said taking out his hand so I could shake it. "Harry. Harry styles. So tell me about yourself" I asked taking out my charming and confident side.

I saw him start to blush and he started to stutter also. He was so cute "I-I well I'm a YouTuber, and obviously I know who you are" he said grinning "So you want to hang out?" I asked. "Um, Sure" he replied whilst looking at his watch. We went to the nearest Starbucks and talked about each other and our lives. I found out his YouTube name was 'Danisnotonfire' he use to live in Manchester but moved to London with his friend Phil, that he was bi, (A/N I know that Dan is straight just pretend he is Bi.) and lots more. Our conversation was never ending, he was a great lad. Before I knew it, it was already 10.44pm. We exchanged numbers and parted ways but before I knew it, I was going in for a hug. I saw him blush and felt my heart skip a beat, as Cliché as that sounds I swear it did. I heard a click go off but ignored it and headed back home.


I checked my watch to see it was 11.32PM I had gotten stuck in traffic so it had taken me a bit longer to get back to mine and Louis's flat. I dug deep into

my pockets to get our flat keys out. Before I could even get the keys out, it opened to reveal a very distressed and shirtless Louis. He was red eyes as if he was crying, before I could say a word. Louis grabbed me and tightly hugged me as if I would run away if he let go. I was on complete and utter shock, after recovering I hugged him back. But tighter. "I thought something terrible had happened to you" Louis said his voice cracking as if he were crying. I pushed him away to confirm if he was crying or not and he was indeed crying. I felt my own heart dropping, the last thing I wanted to do was make Louis cry.

I just didn't know what was going on anymore, life was complicated. "Nothing's happened to me Boo bear. See I'm right here." I croaked, now on the verge of crying myself. "Please just stop crying" I said pulling him in for another hug "I'm sorry" he laughed while crying "I probably seem like an emotional wreck, it's just that I rang Zayn up to ask where you were when I got back home after seeing Eleanor and he said you had left his house 7 hours ago and we got terrified that something had had happened to you" he explained "I'm Sorry" I apologized a tear escaping my eyes "I'm sorry for loving you" I said barely audible.


So what do you thinks going to happen next? Danisnotonfire is an awesome British youtuber he is hilarious! I suggest you all to watch his videos haha <3 i'll put a link to one of my favourites by him on the side, Also go watch his latest one if you want!

i'm sorry for this being a bit late! I was writing this on my ipod and as I was going to press copy i pressed cut instead! i was so sad! and then when i went to watch X-Factor Jillian and Playback got out! Like, c'mon simon and Demi! Why did they do that </3 Jillian and Jenelle they were besties and playback could of gotten far!

Love you all!

also I want to thank/dedicate this chapter to @1DILoveLouis 

for making my days with her comments! I loveyou <3



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