Chapter 14

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I run into his room, panting. 

I look over at him, his once beautiful complexion looking dull and pale. 

Tears running down my eyes faster, why was I so stupid? I shouldn’t have called him a faggot, god I’m an idiot. He looked so fragile…

And it was all my fault.

If only I could told him how much I loved him… 

“I love you too, boo” Harry croaked.

Wait what?

I looked down at Harry and saw a massive toothy grin on his face. "You speak your thoughts"

“God, harry” I cried out, engulfing him in a hug. “You scared the shit out of me, Harry, when ever I look at you I get these butterflies, When I look at you my heart starts beating so fast. When I look at you, I see forgiveness, you forgave me despite all the things I did. You love me for who I am. You keep me alive, just like how oxygen keeps other people alive. I've had to hide my love for you for so long, but I can't hide it anymore. There's no guarantee that it's going to be easy. But I'm ready. Ready to tell the world how much I love you" I sobbed.

"So do you really love me?" He smiled. "Of course I do you doughnut" I laughed. Goodness, I loved him so much. I can't believe I had tried to separate him from me. Why did I ever listen to Simon?

"Kiss me, you fool" He grinned. I brushed his curly locks out of his face, staring straight into his eyes. Slowly our faces began moving towards each other.The taste of his sweet breath despite being in hospital, enchanted me. His soft lips seemed to fit perfectly in mine, making my heart flutter uncontrollably. He was so gentle, so cautious. As if I was the one in medical care and not him. It was only a moment before we pulled away, smiling.

"Wow" he breathed, looking at me in the eye. I quickly kissed him again, loving the feel of his lips on mine. "We have a years worth of kissing to make up on, Hazza bear" I whispered, intertwining our hands. "I'm looking forward to it, boo" He smiled, pecking me on the lips again. 

"wait til' you get better, then we'll do more than kissing" I winked, getting up. He blushed furiously, which was so adorable I couldn't help but pinch his cheeks. He was so adorable and he was mine.

The end

So... Hi :)

I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction. Truthfully, I don't like the way I wrote this book. I feel as if it's all over the place.But eh, you guys seem to like it. I'll be starting more fanfictions up about larry soon, so keep your eyes open. They will be Au's and I'm very excited. I'm trying to be more original in them. Spoiler: It will be about revenge. 

Sorry about the kissing scene, It was my first time writing a kissing scene, and i've never been kissed... sooo... anyways. Please comment and vote? I want to know what you guys think of this story. Comments literally would brighten up my day. Love you always, 


When I look at You - Larry Stylinson [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now