Chapter 1

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When I look at you - fanfic

Harry's POV

"You ready for the interview sweet cheeks?" I asked my best friend and not to forget, No.1 bromance.

"I'm always ready for you babe" Louis cheekily replied.

"you two are like a old married couple" Niall stated his Irish accent running thick and strong.

"I didn't know that we were married boo bear?" I cheekily replied, turning to face Louis's piercing blue eyes.

"We aren't, but thats going to change my dearest Hazza!"

Louis dramatically said whilst bending down onto one knee and taking out an imaginary ring. "Will you marry me my dearest Harold Edward Styles?"

I fake gasped "Oh my gosh!" I said in a high pitched girly voice trying not to laugh. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Niall smirking with amused eyes

"C'mon guys, we're getting late" Liam said walking into the room with Zayn trotting behind him.

"Liam, Zayn, guess what! I childishly yelled trying to get their attention.

"What?" Liam asked simply

"Boo Bear proposed!" I shouted excitedly while showing all my fingers, smiling a wide smile like a mad man and jumping excitedly.

"All in a days work" Louis said smirking, taking a step forward so his arm could snake around my waist.

"Wow, that's great!" Liam said sarcastically, rolling his brown eyes but trying to keep in a grin from breaking out.

but on the other hand, Niall was in a full blown out laugh that always makes me smile or feel like laughing,

"As much as I'm enjoying this. We have to go to the interview, Paul is waiting" Zayn said watching the scene unfold in front of him.

"Yay, interviews! Louis yelled with fake enthusiasm.

His arms left my waist as he skipped to the car while waving his arms up and about. I smiled. He was such a dork sometimes. I walked over to the car where the now seated boys were. Louis was sitting with Liam, who was laughing at what Lou had just said. He was sitting a tad to close to him. I felt a sting of jealously go through me. Louis was my Boobear, not Liam's.
Wait.. What... Louis was not mine. Get over yourself, Harry.
You had your chance.

"You gonna sit down mate or just stand their gaping into space?" Niall called out to me.

"Sorry Niall, just zoned out there" I replied sitting down next to the blonde, patting the Irish boy's knee.

Zayn sat down next to Paul who was driving. I looked over to Louis who was looking suspiciously at me, I just gave him my best 'What-Happened?' look and turned my attention back to Niall and started chatting with him. Well the start of this day has been awfully... say the least.


"Okay, so now I'm just going to ask you some questions from sugar scape" The man, who I think was called Richard said

"So, this question is from Kristy and she is asking 'if you are a weeper' I assume she is referring back to the the Itv2 Documentary you did and Harry had a bit of a emotional moment. Not that there is anything wrong with that." Richard asked.

Oh that moment... "Um, well I'm not really a 'weeper' but, we all do have feelings" I said moving my hands around "We're not robots" I replied in a joking tone.

Louis's POV

"That's true" Richard said laughing at Harry's comment

"So Louis" He said putting his hand on my knee and rubbing it which made me feel a tad uncomfortable but I tried not showing it, "Rain_Loves_1D has asked me 'what did you have for breakfast today?'" He asked, removing his hand from my knee.

I nearly let out a sigh of relief, but then another, more familiar hand was on my knee. I looked up and saw Harry with a aggravated look on his face. If looks could kill, Richard would be dead by now. He patted my knee in a "reassuring way" and then removed his hand and looked away from the man and began looking at me.

"Ahem" Harry coughed waking me up from my thoughts.

Oh right, he asked me a question! Shit, um... What was it again? "U-Uh I h-had... I had some delicious toast which Harry made" I said, patting Harry's curly chocolate brown locks and smiling cheesily at him, trying to ease up atmosphere. It definitely helped, because before long, we sat there grinning at each other before we went into a fake snog session which caused everyone to laugh. I loved having a bromance with Harry, it was so hilarious.

**After the interview**

"Well that was fun wasn't it?" I said to no in particular since no one was paying attention to me.
"Talk about rude" I muttered under my breath.
Liam and Zayn were lying on the hotel room floor playing Cards, Niall was... you guessed it. Eating. However, Harry was acting strangely quiet. Ever since the interview he had been very quiet. Right now he's up in our room that we're sharing. I'm still deciding on if I should go see him or not. He's probably on his man period or something. I think I should let him be for the time being. Harry is the type of person who needs to be alone for a little while but then gradually does come back with a smile on his dial.

"Yes, I won!" Liam shouted out breaking me out of my thoughts

"No you didn't, you cheated Payne!" Zayn exclaimed.

"No I didn't Malik, you're just being a sore loser" Liam smirked

"Li is telling the truth mate, I was watching, he didn't cheat" Niall said from where he was sitting at the table eating god knows what.

"fine, whatever. Rematch" Zayn mumbled pouting his lower lip. I couldn't help but smile. Typical Zayn.

"Hey Liam do you know where my Laptop is?" I asked, since he would always know where something I've lost it."

"Yeah, it's in your room on your table" he answered.

"Thanks Liam!" I said.

"You're welcome." he replied, focusing on the rematch.

I smiled before walking up the stairs into my room. I retrieved my laptop from the table and opened up Twitter and decided to check my mentions and tweet about how amazing Harry was being.

Note the Sarcasm there.

Hmm... What should I tweet today? 'Had a lovely sandwich at the interview today'

No, that sounds so much like Harry wait a second. Why do I keep thinking about Harry? That little curly charmer. 'Great interview at TVIreland me and the lads had a total blast!' now that tweet seemed decent. I clicked the Tweet button and clicked refresh. The amount of re-tweets I manage to get in under 10 seconds, still manages to amaze me every time.

After a few moments (Which actually turned out to be half an hour. Hey, it happens) of reading through my mentions I decided to go check on Harry. Since he would usually recover from whatever was wrong with him in a small period of time and everything would go back to normal. But, the thing that what I wanted to know was what his problem was. Because honestly? I don't even know whats gotten his knickers in a twist this time. But then again he could just be tired and sleepy. But if that was the case, I'm sure he would've told me.

I reached Harrys door warily and with caution. What if he is on his man period? I cringed at that thought. Harry on his man period isn't pretty. I knocked on his door. No answer. I reached down and check to see if the door was locked. Fortunately, it wasn't.

I strutted in his room to find Harry crying, staring at the ceiling like it was the most fascinating thing in the world. Seeing him crying literally felt like someone stabbed my heart. I ran over to Harry and cradled the younger boy in my arms

"Hazza what's wrong?!?" I asked frantically feeling like my whole world was shattering

"I- Louis... I L-love you... I'm in love with you." Harry said stammering looking deep into my eyes "Harry I-"

When I look at You - Larry Stylinson [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now