First day

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First, they had to find some clothes as Magnus was really not happy with a hanckerchief as his clothes.Alec somehow found some doll clothes for Magnus with the help of Izzy. It was really hard to buy anything as Magnus is super picky when it comes to clothes. Fortunately, when Alec mentioned to Izzy that he was looking for doll clothes that Magnus would wear if the clothes were in normal size, and that seemed to do the trick. Of course, Izzy had so many questions, but Alec promised to tell her everything soon, so she decided not to press her brother on the matter anymore.

Unfortunately, Alec had to go to the institute, but he didn't want to leave Magnus alone, especially in that size. Magnus couldn't use much magic as his size was not enough to contain his magic.

"I told you. I'm fine. I'll stay at home. Go and do your job shadowhunter"

"Don't call me that,"

"Okay then, Alexander."

"I can't leave you like this. What if Chairman tries to play with you. He'll crush you. Let's just go with me. "

"I don't want to. I can't let other shadowhuntes see me like that. I have a certain image that I portrait, and it took me hundreds of years to create that. I dont want to ruin that."

"I understand, but I will make sure no one else other than Izzy, Clary, and Jace see you. Magnus, you have to come with me, I can't leave you at home like that."

Alec managed to convince Magnus to come with him to the institute. He put Magnus in his shirt pocket. A pocket size Magnus. Alec smirked.

"Stop smirking!" Magnus said in his best angry voice, but he looked too adorable to be taken seriously.

When Alec went to the institute , Alec had to answer a thousand questions from Izzy, Jace, and Clary. Jace tried to pet Magnus, but Magnus bit his finger, so after that, he stayed away from tiny evil  Magnus.

"By the Angel, you have to be the cutest Warlock in the world,"  Izzy cooed. She and Clary found Magnus extremely cute.

"Well darling, I have been the cutest, most handsome warlock for close to 800 years now." Magnus rolled his eyes.
"Stop lying about your age," Alec warned without looking up from the document he was reading.

"Urgh.. why did I tell you my true age." Magnus groaned.

"Well, I was suprised when Alec asked me for help to find doll clothes and for a second I thought you guys might have started a doll collection or something but I have to say, Magnus you are rocking those clothes"

"Well, thank you, my dear. I have to say, I do find those clothes much more acceptable compared to a hanckerchief." Magnus did a turn to show off his clothes. Jace couldn't help by grin as he thought the whole sceanrio was hilarious.

"I saw that," Magnus said without looking up at Jace.

"Be careful, you blondie. I am still the high warlock of Alicante' Magnus warned, but dont think Jace took that seriously.

"Anyway, Magnus do you want to come and stay with me and Izzy till Alec finishes his work" Clary offered to keep Magnus with them until Alec finished his job, but both Magnus and Alec refused to. Alec didn't want Magnus to be out of his sight.


"I'm bored..... I want to do something....."

Magnus was lying in Alec's table while Alec did his work.

"There is nothing much you can do in that size, Magnus."

"But I'm bored , Alexander," Magnus whined.

"Come here."

Alec took Magnus in his hand and took him closer to his face.

"What do you want ?"

"Let's go homeeeeeee."

"Magnus, you know I can't do that. "

"Then let's eat something?" Magnus tilted his head.

"You are so cute, baby."

"Then give me a kiss," Magnus smiled.

"Clearly, I can't do that,"

"But.. Argh.. Okayyyy"

Magnus grabbed Alec by his nose and planted a soft kiss on Alec's nose tip. Magnus found it extremely entertained, so he started kissing Alec all over the face. Magnus's kisses were ticklish. Alec couldn't help but giggle. After that, Magnus didn't complain, and Magnus's first day as a tiny Magnus went on smoothly.

Pocket Size Magnus BaneWhere stories live. Discover now