Second day

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Alec had to go on a mission, so Magnus had to stay with Izzy. Alec is an overprotective boyfriend. No matter what Magnus said, he didn't listen and left Magnus with Izzy. Surprisingly, that day was quite entertaining as Izzy is Magnus's second favourite Lightwood. Magnus and Izzy made some cute clothes for him, and Izzy applied makeup on Magnus.

"This is so cool. I wanted a living doll when I was young." Izzy was over the moon.

"Darling, I'm not a doll," As much as he enjoyed dressing up, he didn't like being treated like a doll. At the end of the day, he is one of the most powerful warlocks in the world. He had to save his reputation.

"But you are so cute like this, Magnus."

"I'm always cute, Izzy. Your brother made it very apparent that I'm cute no matter how I look. "

Magnus said without looking at Izzy. He was applying some glitters to his new clothes. Izzy smiled at him as she could not get over how cute Magnus looked.

After a couple of hours, Alec came back to the institute after completing his mission. Magnus was relieved to see Alec without any injuries.

"Wow, what have you got there?" Alec asked as he saw Magnus's new clothes.

" New collections for my closet Alexander"

"That is like 100 new clothes, Magnus."

"Beauty takes effort," Magnus winked.

"Exactly, it is only you who have 4 shirts and 2 jeans , Alec. You should upgrade your closet, " Izzy said as Alec was about to say something.

Alec accepted the defeat. He obviously couldn't argue as he knew they were right.

"Magnus, can you stay with Izzy for a few more hours till I complete my paperwork?"

"Alexander, it's almost 6 pm. I have been bothering Isabelle for hours, I can always go home, you know,"

"NO!!!" Both Alec and Izzy protested.

"Alec, I can do your paperwork, I don't have much work anyway. Why don't you two go home? I'm sure Magnus needs his sleep.. He won't grow up if not, " Izzy winked at Magnus. Magnus rolled his eyes at her, but he thought it was a good joke.

"I owe you a bunch Izzy, thank you so much,"

"Oh, you can buy me a leather jacket that I have been eyeing since the beginning of this season." Izzy smiled at her big brother.

"Well, my darling, I'll treat you to that. We both desperately need to go shopping soon. " Magnus got up from the book he was sitting on. He dusted his clothes and glitter from his clothes fell all over Izzys books.

"Anyway , we'll go home now. Thanks, Izzy." Alec hugged Izzy.

"Anything for you, big brother."

"Yeah, thanks for babysitting me,"

Magnus rolled his eyes. Izzy and Alec laughed after hearing 400 years old warlock's words.

"See you later, darling," Magnus signed Izzy to bent down. He kissed Izzy's cheek as she bent down.

"See you later, cutie pie Magnus."

"Hey!!!!!" Magnus shouted at Izzy as Alec picked him up.

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