7th day

439 23 5

----mid night----


Alec winced as he felt something heavy on his chest. Alec slowly opened his eyes to see what made him wince, but what he saw only made him smile widely. Magnus was back to his normal size, and he hadn't moved from where he went to sleep last night. was back in his original size.

'So you turned back to your original size sharp at 12 a.m. You are like my own Cinderella." Alec said quietly.

"Hey..baby," Alec whispered as he ran his fingers through Magnus's hair.

"Hm..." Looks like Magnus still had no idea that he was back in his original size.

"Wake up, baby.. "

"Why..." Magnus whined as he stirred.

"You have grown a lot in just one night," Alexander giggled.

Magnus didn't open his eyes as he was still sleepy, and of course, he didn't catch what Alec meant. Magnus rubbed his eyes and yawned. He felt his eyelids extremely heavy buy Alec wouldn't wake him up for no reason.

"Oh.." Suddenly, Magnus remembered .

"Yeah.. Oh..." Alec smiled. Magnus rolled back to his back without crushing his Alexander anymore.

"You are quite heavy. Aren't you?" Alec turned to Magnus's side and placed a soft kiss on Magnus's lips.
'God.. ' Alec sighed contently as he missed the perfect feeling of Magnus's lips against his own in the last few days.

"I am offended, Alexander."Magnus pressed another kiss on Alec's lips.

Just like Alec, Magnus missed kissing his Alexander so much in the last few days. Magnus had to wait a whole week to kiss Alexander properly.
That one soft kiss seemed to stir something in him. Magnus felt his body warm up as his lips met Alec's lips again.

Their kiss was not rushed. Rather, Magnus let every single detail of the kiss consume him. As the kiss got deepened, suddenly, Magnus broke the kiss and pulled back.
Before the half sleep shadowhunter could fathom, Magnus got on top of Alec.

"What are you doing?" Alec lifted one of his eyebrows.

"I'm going to take every second of last week back." Magnus removed Alec's clothes with his magic.

"Magnus, you were sleeping just a few minutes ago."

"Sleep can wait, Angel," Magnus leaned in for a soft kiss.
As Alec gladly kissed Magnus back, he arched his back, so he was positioned properly for what next to come. Magnus couldn't help but chuckle into their kiss after seeing how his Alexander was as eager as him.

<<<<And just like that, Magnus's little adventure as a pocket size Magnus ended. At least Magnus learnt not to try his positions on himself anymore. Instead, he started using those on, people around him. As an example, he once turned Jace into a frog with blonde hair... but that's a story for another time. >>>>

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