3rd day

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Magnus had few appointments with some of his clients on that day, but Alec informed them that Magnus is not well. So, for another few days, Magnus was free from any kind of warlock job. 

Magnus was enjoying one of his most favourites, dark chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. He was sitting on a saucer as Alec was using the cup to have his morning coffee.

"Oh.. I feel a bit dizzy." Magnus groaned as he could feel a headache on the way.

"Maybe because you are eating too much sugar, first thing in the morning. Now stop eating that. You need something healthy, not a cup of sugar. If not, you'll get a really bad sugar rush. "

" Yeah, but this is so delicious, Alexander." Magnus tried to make his case while rubbing his temples. He didn't do a good job at convincing his boyfriend.

" You and your sweet tooth." Alec smiled and wiped some cream off from Magnus's tiny lips.

"I should take a wash. I smell like a cupcake. "  Magnus smelled himself and scrunched his nose, and he started stripping all of his clothes. He put his clothes on the saucer he was sitting on earlier. As Magnus was stripping on the dining table, Alec raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"Umm.. Magnus, what are you doing?"

"Removing my clothes, Alexander. Is that a problem? " Magnus wiggled his eyebrows as to tease Alec.

"Removing clothes is not a problem. But removing your clothes on the dining table is a problem."

"Oh, come on, Alexander. I dont think there are any shadowhunter or downworlder laws about stripping on a dining table. "

Despite Alec's protest, Magnus removed all his clothes. He turned his back to Alec as he started folding his clothes. Magnus's tiny butt was on air. His butt cheeks were shining and looked so damn cute. Magnus felt Alec was looking at his butt cheek.

"Like what you see?" Magnus started wiggling his butts slowly.

"Stop that , right NOW!"

"Stop what?" Magnus blinked at Alec a few times and acted as he had no idea what Alec was talking about.

"Your back.. I mean your butt. Stop wiggling it. "

"Why.. Isn't it hot?" Magnus grinned.

"Well, in all honesty, it's more adorable than anything. Also, you know we can't do anything till you turn back to your normal size." Alec extended his hand, and Magnus got into Alec's palm without much trouble. Alec brought his palm close to his face so he could plant a soft kiss on Magnus's cheek.

"So, till then, stop trying to seduce me, baby," Alec said with the softest smile on his face. 

Magnus sighed and folded his arms over his chest.
"Okay, at least take me to the washroom then," Magnus pouted.

"Come here, you pouty baby." Alec took Magnus and went to the washroom. Alec helped Magnus carefully as he was afraid a single mistake could hurt Magnus. He was treating Magnus like a delicate flower. Their 3rd day went peacefully as Magnus decided it was time to sleep after his bath. In his tiny body, Magnus got exhausted pretty quickly.

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