5th day

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Alec woke up to see that Magnus was still sleeping on his chest. Magnus was a heavy sleeper. Normally, he doesn't wake up before Alec. Alec is the tyoe who doesn't stir much in their sleep, so the past few days, Magnus started sleeping on Alec's chest.

So when Alec had to go to the institute in the morning, to his disappointment, Alec had to wake up Magnus. But today, he didn't have to report till afternoon so he could lazy around with Magnus till afternoon. It was one of his absolutely favourite things to do.

The sight of Magnus sleeping on his chest was adorable.  Alec protested at first because he was afraid he could harm Magnus in his sleep, but Magnus didn't listen, and somehow, Alec also got used to Magnus sleeping on his chest. Magnus said that it was the most comfortable place in his king-size bed.

Where Magnus was sleeping on was warmer than the rest of his chest. Alec made sure to activate his awareness rune at night , in case small Magnus needed any help throughout the night. Alec could feel Magnus's faint breath against his skin. He  curled up more on Alec's chest. Alec smiled, looking at his cute lover.

Magnus looked so comfortable. In the last few months, Magnus didn't suffer from any nightmares, and Alec felt relief by that. Alec hated seeing his love in pain, and he felt as if his heart got crushed whenever he saw Magnus in pain.

Alec carefully ruffled Magnus's soft hair affectionately. Alec flinched as he felt Magnus stirring in his sleep. Soon after, Magnus got up and rubbed his eyes. He looked so adorable.


"Good morning," Alec smiled at him.

"What time is it?"

"Didn't check yet." Magnus was only wearing an oversized shirt.

"Coffee" Magnus is very grumpy before he gets his coffee.

"Sure baby. Um.. Can you get down?So I can bring you 5

Magnus stood on Alec's chest, and Alec slowly took him and placed him on the bed. Magnus wrapped his tiny quilts around him and went back to sleep.
Somehow, that day, Magnus missed his coffee as he didn't wake up till Alec showered him with kisses.

Alec felt as if it would be a perfect day to stay at home and relax with his adorable lover. So he informed Izzy and Underhill to take over his work and decided to stay at home. One of the benefits of being head of the institute is that he can take time off when he wants to and didn't have anyone to approve his time off.

Once he made sure work was all taken care of, he got in bed and read a book till mid day. Once, 12 O' clock struck, he decided to wake up Magnus and get him some breakfast or at least some of his favourite orange juice. 

Even if Magnus didn't really want to eat anything, just because his Alexander asked him to, he managed to eat some pancake and drink some orange juice but after that he kept on nodding off and Alec took him back to bed so Magnus could sleep some more. It seems like having to contain all of his magic in that body was taking a toll on Magnus's small body.

It was truly a lazy and relaxing day for both of them, and they didn't even bother getting ready for the day.
And just like that, the 5th day ended.

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