4th day

419 19 3

"Magnus, by the Lilith . What happened?"

Catarina came to see Magnus as she heard a strange story about a tiny Magnus from Madzie. Madzie saw Magnus in Alec's pocket when she came to the institute to meet her friend Max Lightwood.

In the past few months, Madzie and Max became very good friends. Max's opinion about downworlders was changing a lot because of Madzie.

"I believe Alexander has already told you about everything, my dearest Catarina."

"He did. This is hilarious, Magnus. This is better than when you tried to be a cactus. "

Cat could not stop laughing. She has seen lots of Magnus's embarrassing sides, but this was the best. Magnus was sitting on a table in front of Cat so he could be on Cat's eye level. He did not enjoy Catarina's teasing, and before he knew, Magnus was pouting.

"I need to take a picture."

Catarina took a picture of tiny Magnus with a pouting face. She could blackmail him later with that photo. They both had mutually distructive evidence of each other that they could use when necessary. Of course, that is normal considering they have been best friends for over a century.

Alec was in the kitchen making tea for Cat. He gave some space for best friends.

"Argh... I need new friends. " Magnus rolled his eyes.

"So, are you really going to stay like that for a week?"

"Yeah.. And this is killing me... I can't do anything with Alexander. Don't you feel the sexual tension in this whole loft. I can't even kiss Alexander. Actually, I can try something new, but he won't let me do anythinggggg" Magnus whined.

"I don't want to know about your sex life, Magnus. "

Catarina tried her best to hold back her laugh. Her friend Magnus was so in love with  nephilim, and Cat was truly happy for Magnus and Alec. It was great to see how carefully Alec treated Magnus than any of Magnus's former partners.

"Catarina, your tea." Alec came back with Catarina's herbal tea and Magnus's black tea.

"Thank you, Alec. I apologize for what you have to go through because of my problematic friend, " Catarina sighed dramatically.

" What can I say. I'll just have to accept your apology." Alec grinned.

"This is unfair. How can you two act like that in front of me? You can see me, right? Or am I invisible, too? " Magnus sighed but soon after joined Cat and Alec and burst into laughter.

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