The Road to Glory or Death

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Asuna, morning of the First Floor Raid

Sunday, December 4th. Four weeks ago, the death game began. Four weeks later, 44 players will attempt to beat the Illfang the Kobold Lord, Floor Boss of the First Floor.

Asuna is the first of her party to the meeting place for the party of her, Koharu, Jaymes, and Kirito. She isn't alone for long as the boy in the black jacket appears from her right, waving and bowing to her. "Good morning, Miss Fencer. Let's do our best today!"

Asuna nods to him, keeping her hood on. Jaymes and Koharu should be here soon, and she doesn't feel like making conversation with Kirito. The events of two nights ago are still fresh in her head, even if it's not his or Jaymes' fault Argo intruded. What makes her more irate, though, is that Jaymes is unapologetic (to her, that is) while Kirito is overly apologetic.

"Nice. Good choice!" She moves her eyes slightly to Kirito, seeing him glance downward. She suddenly grows self-conscious and pulls down on her white dress. She's reminded of how Argo caught her and Koharu in the lingerie shop, telling them to prepare for "the big day". Whether Argo truly meant today or something else, Asuna can only hypothesize. "It's only for the boss battle, nothing more!"


"Nice boots." Asuna jumps as Jaymes suddenly appears to her left, glancing down as well. Now she realizes what Kirito meant. Of course he couldn't notice the lingerie she bought.

"Oh, thank you. Both of you."

"Mhm." Jaymes ends that conversation and waves the group onward. "We're heading to the fountain in the square. Let's hop to it. Waste makes haste."

Koharu giggles as she steps in line beside Asuna. "I think the phrase is 'haste makes waste', Jaymes."

"Is it," Kirito questions.

"It is as Koharu says," Asuna says resolutely, "but why use it now? It doesn't make sense if you want us to hurry."

"I don't know. It sounded cool in my head."

"Then use a more correct phrase in the correct order. It's not that hard."

Jaymes pauses and glares at Asuna. "Oh, I got one. A riddle this time: Who won't I miss if they die in the raid? Answer is Little Red Bitchy Hood." If looks could kill, Asuna is sure hers stands a fighting chance against Jaymes.

"And here I was, thinking you were the more admirable of the two males here--"

"Hey, what did I do?"

"--but it seems you're no better than any other stick in the mud! I don't know what Koharu sees in you, but all I know is that I wouldn't trust you with a millimeter of my life here."

"Good, we're on the same page. Remember that for yourself, you as well, and the other 40 players. The only life I will protect is Koharu's. If you fall, you're on your own." Jaymes turns around, feet making contact with the stone road that he could break it if he tried.

Kirito chuckles and follows after Jaymes. "I doubt he means that. He's just nervous and all. The four of us will be fine. Right, Koharu?"

"Yeah," she responds sadly. Seeing this, Asuna cools down and takes hold of Koharu's hand. Maybe Koharu and Kirito are right, but Asuna doesn't feel that way. Not yet, that is. She is sure of his statement, Koharu explained the pair's roots the other day, and as far as she's seen, he cares for her and her alone.

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