Dark Elf Camp Instance

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As Jaymes suspected, several things had been changed about the initiation of the elf quest. One, the most jarring as evident on Kirito's face, is that they won the battle, as the elf falls on the ground dead. The second, which Kirito whispers to him as they wait for the next step to happen, is that Kizmel was supposed to die after using her secret attack. Neither happened.

Eventually, something happens. While the group gained experience, Col, and other loot, the real prize laid on the ground where the forest elf died. In a bundle of leaves is a magnificent key with a green stone inserted. Asuna initially went to pick, but Kirito stopped her for some reason. A short moment later, Kizmel finally reacted and walked over to the key, picking it up, holding it to her chest like a beloved item. "At least we can protect the sanctuary now," she says more to herself than us, then faces the four humans with slight fierceness in her eyes. The change was so fluid, so human-like, quite unnatural for NPCs, even for a VR game.

"How could warriors of man overcome a dexterous Forest Elf like that... Mayhaps the menfolk can raise true warriors. I must thank you," she says with a bow. "The first secret key has been protected. Your assistance is appreciated. Come with me to our base, and the commander will wish to reward you for your help."

While the question mark returns over Kizmel's head, Jaymes looks at Kirito. While it was clear both boys knew the game well, Kirito knew this questline. Technically, Jaymes still is the party leader, but experience is the better guide. However, he remembers his thoughts from before, that they haven't rested since before the boss fight, or in Asuna's case, the boulder-breaking quest. He's sure they're all exhausted, but the girls haven't complained, so Jaymes keeps quiet. Kirito doesn't say anything, nor he'd have a chance to as Asuna makes her move first again by stepping to Kizmel. "In that case, we'd be honored."

Normally, interacting with NPCs requires a clear affirmation or denial. Jaymes never really thought about it since helping Koharu get acquainted with quest NPCs on the first floor during the first few days. As long as "yes", "no", "okay", or something clear as acceptance or denial was said, the NPC responded. That's how SAO's system, Cardinal, worked on NPCs. As much as Jaymes (or more or less, his real self) hates talking and thinking about artificial intelligence, most of SAO's NPCs have a basic AI, unchanged from the beta. Mobs are as advanced as their deadliness, with the floor bosses at the top of the totem pole, but they're not groundbreaking.

But when Kizmel nods, turns around, and says "Very well. The base camp is through the south end of the woods," Jaymes almost dislocated his jaw.

Asuna immediately follows, Kirito stands in place for a few seconds, but Jaymes and Koharu linger. "Jaymes, everything okay?"

Jaymes moves his foot and walks in line with his partner. "She responded to that?"

"Hmm? Oh, it was an abnormal answer, wasn't it?"

"Maybe...no, we've been here before, so we know NPCs still respond to specific cues. But Kizmel...she's really different. Did you notice her expressions, how they change?"

Koharu nods. "I did. Is that weird too?"

"SAO's system, Cardinal, is an extraordinary managing system, but you've heard me talk about it before. It manages the NPCs too, but so far, they've acted like the beta. Yet Kizmel seems...human. I thought the AI wasn't as advanced, but maybe I... Dad would be--" Jaymes closes his mouth and clears his throat. "I mean, it's just weird to meet an NPC that has some form of greater intelligence." He looks at the girl's cursor, still yellow like an NPC's. Her full display name, Kizmel: Dark Elven Royal Knight, is unreplicable by players.

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