Counting down the days | Ch. 1

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August 13th, 10:00pm

I have 2 years left to live. 3 days ago it was my 17th birthday. I want to tell the others but I don't know how to. They don't know my secret, only Zake knows.

I want to live to see my friends grow up to have families of their own but that just won't be happening.

If I could change what I really was, I would. I don't know how they'd feel after i'm gone but from what I know they will be sad. Zake would be full of sorrow, wishing he could've done something even though he knew he couldn't.

That's all from me for now.

- Moonlight

Moonlight sighed as he closed his notebook and put it back in it's drawer. He stood up and went over to his small bedroom window. He leaned on the window ledge, staring outside. "I should probably get some sleep, I have a meeting tomorrow anyways.." Moonlight whispered to himself as he turned around. He headed over to his closet and just took out some simple clothes. Instead of changing, he put the clothes aside. "I don't feel like changing." He muttered as he hopped in bed, "Not like I need to anyways."

- The Next Day -

Moonlight woke up and got out of bed, he didn't bother sorting out his bed or anything. Instead, all he did was go downstairs into his apartments little kitchen. "Mmm.. I don't feel like eating anything." He said to himself in his head.

He went to the bathroom and look at himself in the mirror. He was still in the same clothes he wore for his birthday. Even though he hadn't wanted to do anything that day, Zake and the others had made him get out of the apartment. His bestfriend was the reason he changed clothes as Zake had said he should treat himself nicely because it's his birthday. Moonlight thought that was just some stupid sh!tty rule that they had made up as kids. After looking at himself in the mirror for 2 minutes straight, he randomly punched it. 'Every damn day' , Moonlight thought to himself.

- Moonlight's POV -

Every day i'm in this damn bathroom the same f##king thing happens! I can't stand it! I look that f##king ugly I don't know why anyone ever wanted to date me. I should probably get going to this sh!tty meeting before I get fired.

- 3rd person -

Moonlight walks out of his apartment and just heads to the meeting place - Which was only a 3 minute walk.


I haven't posted anything for awhile so just have this small chapter! I might start writing a Melcinda(Aphmau) fanfic

Im reworking the book and I might think abt that fanfic actually

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now