A trash day | Ch. 2

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Monlight arrived at the meeting and sat down silently. Their was only 4 other people, making there only be 5 people in the room. Moonlight fidgeted with his fingers nervously. He knew what they were gonna say.

"Your late, werewolf!" A brown haired man yelled. "Where have you been?!?" A light brown-haired man yelled, this time. Moonlight stared at both of them and they stared right back. "WELL!? SPEAK UP!" The brown haired man, David, grunted. "Why does where I've been have ANYTHING to do with the meeting!?" Moonlight snapped in a loud voice. "BECAUSE YOU MISSED THE IMPORT STUFF, DUMB B!TCH!" David yelled at Moonlight. "BECAUSE OF YOU WE'VE BEEN BEHIND ON WORK!" Dante, the light-brown haired male, continued. "WOAH THERE, BUDDY! CALM DOWN!" Moonlight said to Dante and David. "I AM NOT YOUR BUDDY!" David yells, standing up and going to hit Moonlight.

Moonlight flinches and falls of the chair. "THAT'S TOO FAR!" A smaller male, called Daniel, yelled at David. "YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHAT IS AND ISN'T TOO FAR, STUPID WOLF!" David yells at Daniel. He punches Moonlught then picks him up by his T-shirt collar. "H-Hey!" Daniel says, trying to stick up for Moonlight. David ignores Daniel and throws Moonlight into the wall. "You're fired." David says at Moonlight in a spiteful voice. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Moonlight yells, one eye closed in pain and the other squinting. "DON'T YOU YELL AT ME!" David snaps. "Hey!" Daniel yells at David. "SHUT UP!" David turns to Daniel and punches him. Daniel falls of the chair and his nose starts bleeding. "YOU STUPID MUTTS! GET OUT OF MY PLACE!" David yells really loudly.

Moonlight whimpers quietly and covers his ears. He struggles to stand up then runs out of the office. Daniel got up and followed Moonlight, running at a quick pace. Moonlight ran out the buiding, Daniel following him behind.

- After running for a bit -

"Why'd you do that?" Moonlight says, stopping and looking at Daniel. "Because I wanted to help you." Daniel replies, looking at the ground. "Uh huh, you really call that 'help'?" Moonlight says, rolling his eyes. "I know what it's like. I understand you." Daniel says, looking up at Moonlight. "Pfft, what do you know? your just some little kid." Moonlight says. It's unusual for him to rude like this. Very unusual.

"You were once a little kid like me too." Daniel snaps. Moonlight looks at him, shocked. "Yeah, well I've grown up." Light says back. "You think you have but deep down we both know your just as scared as when you were a pup." Daniel says, staring at Moonlight. He says nothing back, just gulps. "We aren't that different, Moonlight." Daniel mutters. "We are, Daniel. So forget it! Whatever your getting at, it won't work!" Moonlight growls. "Moonlight. Me and you both know that we're just as scared as each other! And the reason is because people always backstab us whenever we need them the most!" Daniel yells, some tears in his eyes. "Your right.. we really aren't that different, huh.. I can't believe a 14 year old really made me think this way.." Moonlight mumbles under his breath. "Yeah, that's what I told myself when I first met you." Daniel states, staring up at the sky. "Huh? What do you mean?" Moonlight tilts his head, confused.

"When I first met you at the meetings my impression was: "I can't believe a 16 year old has really made me be like this." Similar to what you said just now." Daniel looks at Moonlight. Moonlight slightly smiles, "If only I'd met you earlier. Maybe then I wouldn't feel as down." Moonlight stares back at Daniel. Moonlight's obsidian eyes stared at Daniel's golden eyes, both glistening in the sunrise(The meetings always start just before sunrise time)

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now