Regret | Ch. 3

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Moonlight was laid on the floor, staring at his apartment ceiling. It had been an entire week since what had happened at the meeting. He didn't have enough money to keep paying his house rent so he sold it. Now he lives in a small apartment. Just a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. It's crazy how much everything can change in 2 years, isn't it?

Still, Zake trys to make effort in pushing his bestfriend out of the little hole he dug himself into. He didn't want his bestfriend to keep living like this but just what could he do? He had no idea what could fix this. Moonlight used to be a choatic dunce but now he never jokes around and hates going outside.

Moonlight was thinking back to his highschool years. Zuros never did anything for him, just shown him anger and regret. His veins were now nothing put pure anger and sadness, his mind was always filled with guilt and regret. He knew no one could bring him out of this trance. But why should they? Why do they keep trying? Zake should just tell them the truth. Tell him that Moonlight was going to die in 2 years, that it was a waste of time. The guards had said the deal when Zake and him were only 12. So why would they go back on it now?

"You are to live your life out until 19, no longer then until the day after your birthday. Just then, and only then, will you die."

The words replayed in his head, over and over and over. To Moonlight, those words replaying wasn't such a bad thing. To others, it would be.

He'd just planned to lay on that floor forever and never get back up again. Not until the day he'd die atleast.

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now