Same things, Different Day || Ch. 4

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Tick tock tick tock..

Moonlight was just laying there, on the floor. All they could hear was the sound of their breathing, the wind and the clock ticking by. Xe wouldn't admit it to anyone's face but, they actually regretted making the promise. It's not like Moonlight would've ACTUALLY wanted to wish death upon xemselves. Well, kind of. They're thankful for Zake's attempts at saving xem, but they know it's just not worth it. Atleast they got to live for 19 years, that's better then when they would've only lived for a few. Moonlight got to have a great friendgroup and the best children xe could've ever asked for, and they will forever be thankful for that.

Moonlight just slightly smiled to themselves, remembering some of their favourite memories. The audios from those memories echoed throughout their mind, making their heart race fast. Highschool was a mess, but it was fun. There was alot of near deaths caused by them and involving them, but atleast they got to learn alot and make some friends. Friendship was the thing Moonlight used to struggle with the most as child, so having an expanded friendgroup like this was a surprise at the start.

Moonlight sat up, looking down at their lap. They hadn't changed their clothes in awhile, but it didn't really matter to them. They sighed aloud, slowing bringing themselves to their feet. They dragged themselves to the bathroom, looking in the mirror. The faucet ran, echoing through the tiny room. Moonlight's hand slipped under the cold water. They winced at the coldness touching open wounds on their hands. Wetting their hands, they cleaned their face from the old blood and dirt that laid on their skin. The water was stained brown and red, and so was their hands. Moonlight's hands dropped down to their sides, trembling. Tears brimmed their eyes and they looked up at the mirror. The reflection looked like nothing but a stranger to them now. Everything was just a distant memory, the laughs, the smiles, the hugs, the jokes, the everything.

The faucet stopped running and Moonlight dried xeir face and hands. Grabbing some bandages, they bandaged up the wounds covering their arms and face. Things had fell apart long ago, no one could save them from the changes anymore. Maybe if they had tried earlier, then Moonlight wouldn't have become like this. Everything happens for a reason, I guess.

The sound of the tiles on the floor creeked as Moonlight slowly walked towards the kitchen. They opened their fridge and looked through it, what should they eat? Hmmm. Xe didn't feel super hungry(despite barely eaiting) so they decided to just grab an apple.

They sat down on the floor, eating the apple calmly. What should they do with xemselves? For that, they had no clue. I guess all they can do is finish eating and go to sleep. Everyone is busy today so it's unlikely for anyone to try make Moonlight leave xeir house again. Welp, guess that's the plan for today.

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now