The Party || Ch. 7: THE FINAL

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Moonlight just had to jinx it. Of course Daiki and Zake forced xem to join the rest in going to that party. Xe had no option but to do as they said. Moonlight just picked out a simple outfit to wear. Outfits weren't a big deal to xem anyways. They picked out a white button-up shirt, baige jumper and dark blue jeans.

25 minutes later, Kaizer knocked on Moonlight's door. Xe opened it to see Kaizer wearing a black T-shirt and shiny Purple jacket with black trousers. He put out his hand and smiled at Moonlight before speaking, "You ready?". Moonlight just nodded and grabbed Kaizer's hand before Kaizer pulled xem out of xeir apartment and closed the door behind them.

Kaizer ran down the stairs, still holding Moonlight's hand. "Where are the others at?" Moonlight asked Kaizer, a bit confused on why their heart was racing. "They're all already at the party, I stopped to get you though." Kaizer responded, looking back at Moonlight and smiling. Kaizer's hair glistened in the moon light as they both ran in the direction of the party.

For some reason, Moonlight actually felt happy. Kaizer made xem happy. He made their heart race, but why? Moonlight didn't really care about the answer, because they felt safe whenever xe was with Kaizer. They both just laughed, messing about while running.

This was the first time Moonlight had felt alive since what happened with xeir triplets, and it felt.. nice. It felt different, but sill nice. Everything felt better whenever Kaizer was around, like nothing bad had ever happened.

It took them about 10 minutes to arrive at the place. By the time they arrived, it was 6:35pm. Meaning that alot of people had probably already arrived. "Should we look for the others then?" Kaizer asked, looking at Moonlight. "Uhh, yeah." Moonlight responded, xeir hand still intertwined with Kaizer's. "Alright, let's go!" Kaizer said, smiling at Moonlight before dragging them inside the building.

A few minutes had passed by and they both had finally found the others. "Hey guys!" Zake said cheerfully, waving at his bestfriend and brother. "Hi!" Kaizer responded, smiling brightly. Moonlight just stayed silent and gave a slight wave. "You actually came out!" Daiki yelled pumping his fist in the air.

"Uh huh." Moonlight replied, "And why is that such a big achievement for you?" Aaron looked at them all as he sipped his drink. "Come on, Light! You never join group hangouts anymore!" Aaron tried to reason with his friend.

Moonlight looked at Aaron, he had grown a lot since they had last seen him. He was now in high school and studying mechanics. Aaron had always been Moonlight's secret favourite. If any of them could reason with him, It would probably be Aaron.

Aaron, Kaizer and Zake were all brothers. Kaizer being the oldest, then Zake, and Aaron being the youngest in their family. "Aaron's right to be fair with you all." Kaizer said, agreeing with his youngest brother.

Moonlight looked at Kaizer, who was standing next to xem. "Hey! Come on, Kaizer!" Moonlight tried to argue. Zake laughed at them as they started playfully arguing back and forth. "See!" Aaron suddenly spoke, stopping his friends and their playful argue. "Your becoming your old self again!" Daiki added, smiling at the 2 boys infront of him.

Moonlight stood there as they tilted xeir head, thinking about what their friends had just said. Kaizer looked at him, smirking playfully. "You know what..." Moonlight started speaking, "You guys are actually right." Xe had to admit, Daiki wasn't lying at all. They really were acting like xeir younger and old self again, playful and always messing around.

"Now how about the real Moonlight stays with us for the rest of this party, ay?" Kaizer joked, patting his friend on the head. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Zake cheered, happy his bestfriend was back to normal. Daiki and Kaizer joined in with Zake's cheer.

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now