Lists || Ch. 6

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Today, Moonlight actually had a list of what they wanted to do so they was busy completing that. Xe had a couple of things that involved Zake, Kaizer and xeir kids. They needed to spend some more time with xeir kids anyways so it was perfect.

Right now they were just at the park taking a walk. Xe wanted some fresh air after the other things they had did that week. Xe didn't feel happy, but they didn't feel completely miserable like before the start of that week. The only sounds that could be heard from Moonlight's perspective was slight chatter but mainly music and xeir humming.


They was sat silently, sipping on xeir coffee while listening to music. It was pretty calm inside so Moonlight liked being there. It wasn't quiet, but it wasn't loud. There was people talking, but calmly. No people in there was aggressive, not a single one.

The weather was pretty cold, so the coffee was warming up Moonlight's hands and mouth. Xe found everything in that tiny coffee shop perfect in a way. This was probably their favourite place to be at and go to. Xe knew every inch and corner of this place as if it was xeir home. In a sense, it kind of was. They spent most of their time there whenever xe wasn't at their apartment.

Moonlight was completely fine with that though, it didn't bother xem. The thought of the coffee shop always made them smile, it may be strange but it's true. Xe used to come there all the time with their triplet siblings. They were born into a massive family, but was closest to the triplets of the family, 2 boys and one transgender girl. Keito, Kaito and Hannah. Out of the 3, Moonlight had always been closest to Hannah. They could relate to one thing the most. Being transgender. It may be surprising, but it's true. Moonlight was actually trans, female to male.

Hannah was the reason they all found that place. Hannah and Moonlight had stumbled across it one day when they were running around the neighbourhood, disobeying their father's orders. They then introduced their brothers to it and it quickly became a favourite place for all of them. That was until Kaito died ans Hannah mysteriously disappeared. Xe knew xeir sister wasn't dead, but wasn't sure where exactly she was at.

Moonlight had recently came to term with xeir brother's death during highschool. They learned alot of stuff the hard way. But that was life, so xe didn't really care. Being at Zuro's meant alot of things happened. Alot of drama happened. Alot of near deaths and actual deaths. Oh and did xe mention alot of drama?

Anyways, Moonlight was just packing up xeir things and getting ready to go back to their apartment. Apparently, Daiki was going to drag everyone to go to a party later on. Boy oh boy did Moonlight hope xe didn't have to join them in going to that party. If there was anything/anyone Moonlight hated more than xeir dad, it was parties.

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now