Distance || Ch. 5

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It's been a week since that occurred. Moonlight couldn't tell if they were getting better or worse. I mean, they were starting to drink and eat a bit more, but they still had no urge to keep living onwards. Zake or Daiki would often keep Moonlight on xeir feet, to stop them from going even farther under then xe already were.

Moonlight was thankful to have them by xeir side, even if they barely shown it. Out of everything that has happened throughout the past few years, they've stood by xeir side. Yet, all Moonlight can do now is distance xemselves from everyone.  They kinda deserved it, despite everyone's efforts to bring them back up from the hole xe'd dug themselves into.

Moonlight just paced around their house, thinking. There was alot of memories they kept remembering, and alot of thoughts too. Xe didn't mind it that much, not really paying any attention to them. They were just thoughts and memories.

Time flew by fast, but this day particularly felt rather slow. Moonlight was running out of things to do, and they didn't feel like facing Zake or any of their other friends. Xe went and changed their clothes. All they changed into was a dark navy blue hoodie and some baggy grey sweatpants. They put on some white socks then put on their shoes and tied them. They pulled up their hood, grabbed their phone and xeir airpods then left the apartment.

They shut the door, locking it behind them before walking down the staircase and out into the street. It was 5:30pm, but the street seemed fairly empty. Moonlight didn't really care though, since it'd be better for them. The less people means a lower chance of having to conduct human contact.

They started walking towards the park, turning on xeir airpods and listening to music. Xe hummed alone silently, just thinking. They were just going for a short 15 minute walk/run to pass the time. They often did this monthly, sometimes weekly. It was just a time-passer for Moonlight.

The distance was growing between xem and their past self more and more each day. They were also growing my distant with Zake, Daiki, Aaron, Tsukiko and the others too. It wasn't much of a surprise though. They hoped that the more distanced xe became, the more the others would lose hope in trying to change xeir mind.

They had made up what xe wanted to do, and they wasn't planning on letting anyone or anything change xeir mind. A decision is a decision, after all. It was just a matter of time until the others saw that too.

As time progesses // Moonlight Angst // AU // Ft: Zakiko, KaiLight(implied)Where stories live. Discover now