Chapter 8 - Who?

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Small to mentions of blood????

Albus Pov

The door opened again, I expected to see another student but we were met with a dark hooded figure. "I was wondering where u ran too, it seems like the spell didn't work on everyone, mmmh." the person said in a deep voice and took out his wand, "let's change that." before anyone could react to what he just said, he whispered something and moved his wand, harry and the rest of the adult fell into a slumber, meaning the person used the sleeping charm. The hooded figure laughed and stepped closer and took off his hood while he was stepping closer I put Livia behind me, "Now that they are sleeping, let me introduce myself I am Lewis, Riddle Lewis." he smirked, "Riddle? I thought he only had a daughter and she got sent to Azkaban for murdering someone." Livia said as came step beside me he came closer to her, " Ur a smart little girl arent u, yes she got sent away but nobody knew I ever existed they kept me hidden for a long time. But now I here to get revenge and since Harry isn't quite what he used to be, I guess fate decided that we needed new superheroes wizards, so you guys came a boy who doesn't really socialize, a little girl who is a high achiever and isn't very liked and a little boy who doesn't even go here yet." he said making me and Livia confused, " A little boy?" I asked him, "yeah in ur dreams you guys are with three, he isn't at Hogwarts yet his sisters tho." he went quiet for second and then continued. "Don't worry I won't kill you guys...not yet at least, what dun would that be killing three children who are defenceless and don't even know proper spells yet. I am here to warn u guys for me because one day ill come back and then I won't be so kind," he smirked again sending a shiver down my spine he turned toward the door and was about to leave the hall until he stopped and turned back to us. "One more thing don't tell anyone I was here okay, ur parents will not remember anything and if u do tell someone count ur days I am always watching... Oh and expect some visits from my friends and be prepared because they aren't as nice as me." Lewis turned around again and headed for the door, Livia sprinted to him and jumped on his back which didn't do much he easily pushed her off him making her fall backward head hitting the ground which made a loud noise-making me gasp. He looked back at her and chuckled before disappearing.

I ran towards Livia who was groaning loudly as she stayed on the floor, when I helped her sit up I noticed the little pool of blood making me sigh, " Why the fuck did you do that, are u crazy?" I asked the groaning girl, " I don't know I thought I could take him out James bond style u know." she replied quietly her words made me chuckle lightly. "You are.... something, we should get ur head checked out tho u made quite the fall," I said to her helping her up I didn't wanna scare her so I didn't add the bleeding part. Behind us we heard shuffling, they woke up... how the fuck were we gonna explain this. Hermoine was the first one to notice us while the rest was complaining about the back pain from laying on the ground or the stupid wooden bench.  Hermione's eyes shifted to the clock which had started ticking again, " Why are you guys up and here past your bedtimes and please explain how Livia got hurt." she spoke as her eyes travelled to Livia's head it was very noticeable, she had light hair so it was like blood in the snow. Once she spoke all the others also looked at us, luckily they were more worried about Livia's head injury than why we were here. A figure quickly approached, replacing my hand with a handkerchief which stopped the bleeding making me let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I looked at the person it was surprisingly Ron who came and helped her first, the rest followed and surrounded Livia. "Can u explain what happened, Albus? The wound looks pretty deep, she's bleeding a lot-" before Ron could finish his sentence Livia interrupted. "I AM BLEEDING?" she loudly yelled, she had a panicked look on her face and her eyes teared up a little but she didn't cry. "No love you arent bleeding, don't worry, you are fine relax princess," Draco said as he patted her head she seemed less panicked by his words. Draco didn't waste anything and picked her up bridal style making sure Ron I still holding the handkerchief on her wound, They made their way out of the great hall. "Hermione and I will stay here and clean up, Albus u can follow then But tomorrow we will talk about this." harry said, I nodded and followed after them.

We were walking through the quiet halls nobody was saying anything until Ron spoke up. "So what we're u to doing out so late together?", "if u think what I think u think then no. Idk I just heard something in the hall and she heard it too so we just met, nothing else I promise." I quickly replied although I wouldn't mind people thinking I was out at night with one of the pretty girls at school but still. After a few more minutes of silence, we arrived at the hospital wing, the nurse was there already does she like sleep here or. I've only been here once and that was in the first year when I got pushed off the stairs ((loser, jk love u albus 💚)). They put her down on the bed Livia was passed out but by her snores, u could tell that she was probably tired and just fell asleep so nothing to worry about. The nurse checked if everything and she was fine nothing to worry about they stitched her head and everything was well, Draco and Ron decided to leave and so did the nurse, Livia had to stay here. I was about to leave when I felt someone grab my hand, it was Livia her hands were warm, I smiled a little as she said," please don't leave me Albus what if he comes back" she mumbles. I chuckled "don't worry I will stay here and protect u just go to sleep ok?" She nodded and fell back asleep she didn't let go of my hand tho. I sighed and let go of her hand she softly whined. I quickly put the bed next to her closer to hers so it made like a big bed. I got on it and took her hand on mine again, wanting to keep my promise. I don't know if it's the fact we have the same dream that I feel connected to her or is it just that she didn't even blink an eye at that I'm a Potter. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. A figure that was watching them smirked whispering " I will get you someday".

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