chapter one

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For this chapter, we are going back in time when Brianna, Livia, Thomas, Aurora and Esmé went to Hogwarts for the first time. Also, those 5 characters are like the leads/mains but the other characters are just as important.

~~~at the potters~~~
Brianna was already wide awake excited and nervous about her first day at Hogwarts, would she be in Gryffindor or will she be in another house?

She was happy either way who wouldn't be happy to go to Hogwarts.  She went down to the kitchen her mom was already awake and was making breakfast, her mom greeted her "good morning sweetheart, excited for your first day at Hogwarts" she asks, "yeah I am, I'm just a little nervous what if I don't get into Gryffindor, did you see dads reaction when Albus got sorted into Slytherin" Brianne says while she takes a seat at the kitchen table fingers."I'm sure it will be fine Anna" Ginny says while placing the food in front of her daughter." now eat ur food and after that, you can get dressed," ginny tells Brianna. A few minutes later, heavy footsteps are heard coming from the stairs than her father enters the kitchen greeting Brianna with a kiss on her head." well ur early Bri you're normally the last one to wake up." Harry says while he greets his wife," yeah but today is a special day, it's my first day at Hogwarts" Brianna says excitedly. "I wouldn't be too excited Hogwarts isn't that great" her older brother Albus chimes in while entering the kitchen, " well maybe it would be better Albus if you got sorted into Gryffindor then you would have a great time at school," James says while following Albus to the kitchen. "Oh, you gotta stop pretending u hate Slytherins didn't u and that Malfoy kid k..-" Albus got cut off by James covering his mouth. Harry gives James a questioning look he clears his throat and talks," Speaking of Malfoy's umm Brianna there is gonna be a Malfoy in your year I wouldn't befriend her, stick together with ur cousins Aurora and Thomas just stay away from everyone who has silver hair and blue eyes, please" yeah whatever dad" Brianna says while finishing her food and putting it in the sink and heading upstairs.

<Time skip>

Brianna was at the front door with her brother James and with her parents waiting for Albus to get downstairs so they can go catch the train."Come on snake boy we are gonna be late if you don't hurry up, Bloody hell" James says annoyed," that's what you call him in bed, oh god" Albus says with a smirk on his face while he walks downstairs, James glares at Albus. Ginny sighs and opens the door and there off.

 Ginny sighs and opens the door and there off

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~~~ Weasley-Granger household~~~

In the usually noisy household it was quiet, Annie the oldest of them was sleeping at her boyfriend's house and was going starting later on the day, Rose was staying at her grandparents bc dragging her along was even more tiring the only two children left in the house where the Twins Aurora and Thomas. The only thing that you could hear was Ron who was cooking breakfast and Hermione was showering. Thomas was heading downstairs already dressed and had his bags in his hands to put them at the front door. He then heads to the kitchen and sits down"Good morning dad" he says tiredly. Ron plates the food and gives Thomas his food, "tired tom?" Ron asks while he moves toms hair out of his face and smiles. Thomas just nods and moves Ron's hand away. Suddenly Aurora happily walks into the kitchen nicely dressed she greets her dad with a hug and sits down next to Thomas, Thomas sighs "There are a lot of free seats at the table this morning and u still chose the one next to me are you serious" "You should be thankful maybe we can't sit together anymore at Hogwarts what if you or I get sorted into a different house" Aurora says in a worried tone. "Come on rora even if we get separated that doesn't mean we aren't gonna see each other and that doesn't mean we aren't brother and sister anymore, I mean maybe it's a good thing if we are in separate houses you know we've been together for our whole life maybe this year that's finally gonna change, don't get me wrong I do love being with you and all that but I think it's time we like both do our own things" Aurora and Ron look at Thomas shocked Hermione than enters the kitchen, "why do you guys look like you saw a ghost?" Hermione asked confused by the shocked expression on their face." Ah its nothing mum aha, good morning" Hermione just shakes her head and sits down at the kitchen table while Ron serves breakfast.

" Ah its nothing mum aha, good morning" Hermione just shakes her head and sits down at the kitchen table while Ron serves breakfast

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~~~At the Malfoy manor~~~ 

It was quiet at the Malfoy Manor, to be honest, it was always quiet in that huge house, normally it would be even quieter but since Draco decide it would be best that they stay there for now instead of their own house is because Astoria's heath was getting worse and now that Draco was gonna be teaching at Hogwarts again this year it was best for Astoria to stay there so Narcissa could take care of her a little while he was gone, not sure if that was one of the best ideas but what can we do about it. The youngest Malfoy was up first, he wasn't staring Hogwarts yet he had to wait for another year with he didn't mind he liked going to normal school. He was waiting for someone else to come down so that they could cook breakfast for him. A few minutes later Draco came down the stairs followed by Livia and Scorpius both dressed in their Hogwarts uniforms Scorpius with his house tie and Livia without one because she doesn't have one yet and doesn't know what house she is gonna be in yet. Not many words are said, Draco starts cooking breakfast while Lucius enters the kitchen he goes directly to his seat not even saying good morning to any of his grandchildren or even his own son. Livia sighs making Lucius glare at the girl. Everything happened quickly after that they ate got their backs said goodbye to their mom and were off to the platform.

~~~At the Lovegood's~~~ 

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~~~At the Lovegood's~~~ 

All the Lovegood's were sat together at the kitchen, Esmé was the first one of the family to go to Hogwarts making her even more nervous but Luna and Rolf reassured her, they told her she was gonna be fine they don't really care what house Esmé is gonna be in but at last, Esmé was still nervous as heck, was she gonna make any friends? Were people gonna like her? I mean her mom told her she could befriend the potters and the Weasley, we will see how she likes them but those are worries for later. Right now Esmé was enjoying the last morning she was gonna have with her family for a while she was gonna miss them but not too much. She finished her food and got dressed packed her bags and put them at the front. She was now also ready to take off

to be continued 

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