Chapter 6

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Christopher Oflyng as Carson. Character suggestions still available.


"What the hell happened in there, Precious?"

"Oh my god Applebottom! Are you okay?"

"Sweetheart, what happened?"

"Baby? Are you alright?"

Carson is crouching in front of me, my face held in his hands. Jesse and Quinn are about three feet away, holding hands, both of there eyes wide at the scene before them. Logan is kneeling on the floor beside Avery, checking his vitals.

"I'm okay," I mumbled tiredly, my eyes locking with Carson's. "I don't know about him though." I don't even want to say his name. I don't know what we are going to exactly do about our situation, I'm just hoping we don't all fall apart and go against each other, like he was planning on doing.

Carson looked at me before nodding once and backing away, giving me the space that I needed. Not that I didn't love the fact that he called me baby, and that his touch was comforting, I just needed breathing room.

"What happened Sweetheart?" Jesse asked in his brotherly tone.

"Did Carson tell you what he," I pointed to the dickhead on the floor in disgust. "Did?"

"Not really," he shook his head, looking confused. "Carson told us that we needed to get to the Ground room and fast. Told us something about you needing help, that Avery was causing trouble."

I gave Carson a look, and he nodded, then proceeded to explain what happened.

After he was done, Logan stepped back from his still unconscious body immediately. "How the fuck is he knocked out?"

"Apes." I answered. "In his personal hall."

"What? He has monkeys in there? How does that have anything to do with his ability and why were you in there?" Quinn asked.

I took a breath, mentally and physically exhausted. "He has to do this mind trick where he sets these two gigantic apes up in certain spots, then weave through them without getting spotted by their laser eyes. He was about halfway through when he spotted me up on the wall, and his hesitation caused him to be caught, and whatever those apes on steroids did, did that."

"Once again, why were you in his personal hall?" Quinn asked.

Three pairs of eyes locked on her and she squeaked in embarrassment before hiding behind Jesse.

"Babe, she went in there to help stop him." Jesse explained, love in his eyes.

"So she has geeky abilities too?" She mumbled, peeking her head out from behind Jesse's arm.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "I am not geeky and I am definitely not like that asshole!"

She giggled, before stopping at my glare, and sneaking behind Jesse once more.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Logan questioned, looking thoughtfully at the asshole. Yup, I'm not saying his name.

We all went silent at that. Thinking. He could sell us out if we make him go, but he could try to steal the Woo-Woos again if he stayed.

We were all quiet until a groan from the boy in question filled the room. All of us made eye contact with each other, a silent agreement being passed.

Don't let him out of our sites. No one leaves until a decision is made.

All of us sat in a circle around Avery, on edge.

It has been about twenty minutes of us just sitting here and thinking, so my energy has replenished itself by now. So I started to read his thoughts.

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